chapter fourteen- Old habits die hard

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Hello oo! I felt mean for not writing for ages so I thought I'd give you at least something...haha anyway this chapter is dedicated to lrlmazdiz (sorry if i spelt it wrong) for your amazing support! Please nag me often so I actually stop procrastinating! :)

Frankys POV

Ah, good olé Liz ay, always gotta go and mess Shit up for herself. Threw herself right in the deep end. Knowing her she'll probably land us in it too being the lagger she is.

Soo. ..

And now there were three.

Great, so now we have a heart breaker and two murderers. Now that there people is a good idea for a new horror movie. Yeah, the press nearly got it right, with their seemingly witty pun. This morning, after we got another car, we drove past a billboard with our faces printed on it. It read 'Crows'. I didn't get it at first until Alex started laughing hysterically. Apparently a group of crows is called a murder, so the joke suggests. God I'm sounding like a high school worksheet now days. Inside all I had to think about was ' what's for dinner' ' do I need a shit' and 'am I tired'. Now I'm out, I all paranoid and analyzing everything. God , I need to lighten up. Reaching over toward the radio in our new 'borrowed' mitsubishi, I pressed the play button and scrolled through various songs. Haven't heard any of this new crap. "Stop! " Alex screamed at me all of a sudden. "For fuck sake you nearly gave me a bloody heart attack you idiot. Can't you tap me on the shoulder like a normal person?" I snapped. Sure, that was a bit harsh, but hey, she burned me first. I basically had my heart shredded into a million pieces and left to rot. After Bridget, I should of known better than to trust and get my hopes up. Ugh, stop thinking brain.

I turned back to the song she requested anyway and was rewarded with her softly singing along. And boy was her voice just.... angelic.

"Feet don't fail me now
Take me to the finish line
Oh my heart it breaks every step that I take, but I'm hoping at the gates they'll tell me that your mine. "

I started slowly processing the words when she struck me with the chorus.

"Don't make me sad
Don't make me cry
Some times love is not enough
And the road gets tough
I don't know why
Keep making me laugh
Let's go get high
The road is long
Well carry on
Go try have fun in the mean time"

I almost stopped breathing.

"Cause you and I , we were born to die."

I stopped listening after that. The song was really affecting me, leeching into unsealed wounds. Her voice was compelling, almost hypnotic, unlike the monotonous voice of the singer.

I leant my head against the window, attempting to clear my brain.


Alex's POV

I watched Frankys face change as I finally finished the song.

I only realized what the lyrics might of meant to her when I got to the last verse and saw her pale and widen her eyes. God, the tension and guilt is killing me, but what the hell do expect when you spring the 'L' word on someone? And let's not forget, only a few bloody days ago I was practically nearly raped and then Franky wants to force herself on me! These people are just driving me...Crazy? No, there's actually no word for it. It's that frustrating. Lately people want to rule my life. They have ruled my life. I have no freakin freedom! I should just go back to prison! Fu-

"You will have freedom eventually, Alex. We all will." Bea said softly.

"Wha? " My eyes doubled. "Wait, how much of that did I say out loud?"

She sighed. " You said you have no freedom and that you want to go back to prison. "

I nodded.

"If you want we can dump you somewhere."

I raked my eyes over to Franky.

"Excuse me? Why don't we dump you somewhere instead?"


She cut Bea off. "Honey, I was already dumped back there. So if you wanna have your freedom we can ship you back to the screws."

My eye twitched. " Don't blame me for your Shitty mood Doyle. " I started kicking the back of her seat like a kid on a plane.

"DOYLE? Wow resorting to that now are-"

"SHUT UP! both of you! I'm not putting up with this crap." Bea swerved suddenly sending us onto a bit of grassland off the side of the road. She slammed on the breaks sending my head against the front seat. Before we could Complain she got out and slammed the door.

Both Franky and I silently followed suit, standing a safe separate distance from the glaring redhead.

"Okay. Let me make this very clear. You are both adults. Not children. So stop acting like it. I'm bloody sick of the constant fighting and sexual tension between you two, and if you don't kiss and make up I'm leaving you right here until you resolve your differences. Am I clear? "

I just nodded.

"Since when are you top dog again?"

She took a step toward Franky.

Franky took another.

Soon the were nearly in each other's personal bubble.

"Guys please don't start. "

Franky growled.

Bea towered over her, both in an intense staring match.


Franky shoved Bea sending her flying backwards. And that's when all hell broke loose.

Both got their fair share of kicks, punches and other moves in, going neck to neck on the red earth, sending up clouds of dust.

I screamed repeatedly at them.

" What the hell is wrong with you! " I threw a rock.

"Who's acting childish now?!" I kicked a branch.

"I'll drive off and leave you!!!"

"Oh the heat!" I dramtically pretended to faint, laying on the ground, peeking. Still no one listened.

"Fuck it ." I thought. I refused to get physically involved in that fight seing as I was still injured from my ordeal the other day. My wounds were healing fast but they were still painful as hell.

I thought back on my earlier topic.

Freedom .

Maybe I couldn't get freedom from the law, but I sure as hell could from these two idiots. I huffed a final insult before turning around and walking away from them- and the road- toward a distant patch of forest. I'd camp there till I was sure they wer e gone then I'd trek back to the road.

So with confidence in stride, I sauntered off from them.

And then there was one.

Heya! Song featured was BORN TO DIE by Lana Del Ray. Basically a filler chapter. But it's something. Yay!

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