Chapter Two- Payback

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*Franky Doyles POV*

Breakfast was uneventful. Nobody questioned me and many barely looked at me.

I picked at my food, droning out the quiet murmur of conversation, and staring into space thinking about yesterday's events. I'd seen no sign of the girl here in the cafeteria, but that didn't mean she wasn't elsewhere.

Today my main task was to find her and question her, maybe give her feathers a bit of a ruffle. Strange thing is I'd never seen her before, not even in the other blocks. Maybe one of these guys would know her.

I looked up and cleared my throat.
"Any of you lot seen some weird chic around here? About 5"10, late 20, brown hair?"

Doreen spoke up- "Franky, that describes over half the people here, any other features? "

I thought for a moment, and remembered her intense stare- "She had bright green eyes, emeraldly- slimeish green,"

A look of recognition passed on Liz's face, but was gone within a second.

"Who is it Liz? I saw that look,"
"Hmm? Oh I don't know who your talking about." Maxine looked at her dissaprovingly- " Liz, if you know, you need to tell Franky . Please. "

Liz looked at her empty plate- "what do ya want with her?"

" I just wanna talk, it could help my Sentance, "

Reluctantly, Liz muttered her name.

"What was that Liz? "

" Alejandra Melarosa, cell 3, block C. Nice girl (I raised an eyebrow), quiet though. She'll be in the library. And Don't hurt her!"

I got up and left the cafeteria, practicaly running to the library before duty time.


I reached the library with 15min to spare. Not being a very big library, I didn't have to search far to find the brunette. She was sitting at the back of the library between two shelves next to a stack of books, her back turned to me.

"Alejandra? "

"it's Alex."

"Alex then. Mind answering a few questions about our little 'incident' yesterday? "

Her body tensed. She slowly went to get up, cautiously turning toward me.
I could see she was getting ready to bolt.

"Calm down, I just want to talk," I made my way toward her, studying her features.

She had long brown hair that looked soft enough to run your fingers through. It framed a heart shaped face, with a hard jaw and high cheekbones. On it sat perfect sharp rounded eyebrows, full pink lips, a cute button nose and bright green emerald eyes. Those eyes-you could just get lost in them and never come out.

God she's making me sound fucking cheesy. All in all she was a right real beauty, one I'd certainly like in bed if we weren't under current circumstances.

And just like that I cornered her , Getting her pushed up between me and a solid wooden bookshelf, my arms on either side of her.

"Now, are you gonna answer my questions willingly or not?"

"What happens if I say no?"

"Do you wanna go on a date with the steam press? "

Anger mared her features-"Whataya wanna know? "

"What are you planning? "

" a nice family holiday, wanna come?"

I pushed her against the the shelf, hard-"Don't get sarcastic with me, now what are you fucking planning? Are you going to escape?"

She smirked at the word 'escape' and gave me a seductive smile-" Why you wanna come with...?"

"So you are planning an escape!"

She dropped her faked smile. "You better not tell anyone or else"

It was my turn to smile " or else what?"

She just stared at me blankly.

" yeah thought so. I'll be seeing you again some other time" and with that I pushed off of her and started to walk off until I remembered.

And this is payback for yesterday-

And I threw a book at her face, successfully seeing blood spew from her nose.


◇Alex's POV◇

Blood gushed from my nose, spilling all over my teal jumpsuit. I should of been prepared. I should of fought back. But I can't have any more complications trying to jeperodise my escape.

I hope Franky keeps her mouth shut. I don't want to spend another 20 years of my life in this hellhole.

I held my head back and pinched my nose. Thank god its not broken. My mind wandered back to Franky. She reminds me of my old friend back in high school. Short Jet Black hair. Bangs. Steely gray eyes. Even the thin lips naturally pulled back into a smirk, and a square jaw.

But she she doesn't compare to Franky. Franky has a Authorative and intimidating air about her, when you are told something by her you feel compelled to listen. And her quick to light fiery temper, sparking fear in anyone that didn't really u del stand hers gut.

Let's just hope we can come to a fair agreement. Cause its time to leave in a few days.....


Above is a pic of Franky ♥♥

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