Chapter Twenty- Introductions

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"You alright mate?"

I dragged my eyes from the window and over to Franky. "Mmhm"



She sighed and set her eyes back on the road. I turned back around and lent my head on the window. Slowly it began to slide down. Before I began to realize what was happening  my head hit the window edge and Wind caressed my cheeks. "Ow!" I rubbed my head and glared at a grinning franky.

"Oh cheer up. "


She grinned even wider. "Come on,"

I huffed and turned back around.

"I know what'll make you feel better."

She reached her hand up and pulled back the roof, making my hair whip my face. I automatically broke out into a smile. I mean, who could really be unhappy when your in a car with wind rushing past your face, great weather and a hot girl right next to you?



Hot girl?

Where the hell did that come from?

Enough thinking. I'm trying to have fun here, and my head isn't helping. Reaching into the glove box I flip through the CDs. Nirvana, fall out boy, and ROAD TRIP!! :). road trip ay? Sounds fitting. Seddon must've created a mix tape of some sort. I pop the cd into the stereo and click onto the first song, crankIng up the volume.

"When I met you in the summer
To my heartbeat sound
We fell in love
As the leaves turned brown

And we could be together baby
As long as skies are blue
You act so innocent now
But you light so soon

When I met you in the summer"

I sang at the top of my lungs and waved my hands around as the dj began to play the remix.  Franky and I erupted into laughter. More loud snorts and cackles spilled from me as franky began to sing Gloria Gaynor's '  I will survive ' complete with performance.

Our fun was short lived, before we began to slow. "Why' re we slowing down?" I tried to peer over at the dashboard. "I don't kn-ah crap. We're Outta Gas."

She slowed to park under a nearby tree. "Shit." She leaned back, covering her eyes and groaning.  "I'm gonna try and call someone." I got out and walked into the shade, skimming through my contacts looking for a particular number. Finally I clicked it.

"Hey player, guess who needs another favor,"

"Alejandra Melarosa I swear i am going to kill you."


I plonked myself back into one of the leather seats. "Well?"

"Can't get anyone out here till tomorrow morning. "

"Ugh.wait how did you even get reception? "

"International satellite cell phone. No need for towers."

" handy."

"Yup." I drummed my fingers against my leg.



"Now what?"

I shrugged.  "Dunno. Up to you."

Her eyes lit up and a devilish smile crossed her features.  "Up to me eh? I know-"

"No. No. No. I know what your thinking. We are not doing that. "

She faked innocence. " What?  You don't wanna play slime yuck yuck?"

I scrunched up my face. "How old are you again?  Five?"

" if i was you'd be a pedophile. "

"Huh? Why?"

" Coz you're staring at my boobs,"

"What?! I am not-" I blushed a deep scarlet and turned  away.

"Aw,  if you wanted to look all you had to do was ask," She winked and pinched my cheeks. I blushed even more.

" I'm going for a walk. "

"Ah, ah, ah. Last time that happened you nearly got us killed and made into dingo dinner.  Now sit down and just imagine walking or something. "

I chuckled despite the circumstances.
"So what's your favorite colour?"

She blinked. " Um...  Definitely not teal, er... purple. Yeah, I like purple like your sunglasses. "

I laughed lightly.

Soon the sun had set and night had cast it's line.

Franky and i had folded the chairs down to make a bed of sorts, cold but Comfortable.  In the past few hours we'd Learnt a lot about each other,  having more things in common than  Expected.  As the darkness grew, the temperature shrunk, forcing us into a compromising position to stay warm.  "It's bloody cold." I nodded,  to cold to talk. She rubbed her hands and blew into them, unsuccessfully attempting to warm them. "Just try and sleep," She rubbed small circles on my back, but I was way to cold, hungry and exhausted to bother complaining. 

Hours past and still neither of us could sleep. The temperature must've been below freezing, and Frankys teeth were steadily chattering next to me.

"Alex? You still up?" She whispered.


"Can you sing for me or something?  I swear my brains gonna get frostbite if it doesn't do anything right now,"

"Um...I'm not sure,"

Franky made a face and booped my nose. "Cmon. For me."

" Fine. But only for you. " I sighed loudly, struggling as i thought of a song.

I could hardly think of anything,  but came up with a song by PVRIS, 'Mirrors'. I began to softly sing the chorus.

"Darling don't be shy,

I'll see you at midnight.

And when I close my eyes

Said it three times, 

said it three times.

You make my world spin,

Placebo feelings.

And in the morning

I'll wait to see you again. "

Frankys soft and even breathing began to fan my face, and for a brief moment,  one thought crossed my mind.




Very short chapter today,  only because I didn't have much time.

And drum roll please.....

It Is officially the holidays!!!!!!


Pic up top is Alex on the Mustang.

Songs featured are:

Summer by Calvin harris

I will survive by Gloria Gaynor

Mirrors by PVRIS

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Love you,


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