Chapter Six- Baggage

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Franky Doyles POV

A few days had passed since our meeting with The Freak, and I'd just been helping Alex collect supplies for the escape. Being in league with me apparently was a bonus for her, as I could get stuff she would've had to improvise on. Yesterday they did a full search of everyone's rooms, but Alex being the cunning thing she is had nothing in her room. In fact everything she had collected was in full sight of both inmate and guard, like the rubber shower fittings tied up in her pony tail disguised as hair ties.

Once we got out of here the plan was for her to apparently dump me somewhere while she probably jets off around the world.

She said we were leaving in two weeks from today exactly, round about 2 am. Light enough to see but Dark enough to not be seen was her motto. I honestly doubted we'd get past the gates, and was only really going along with this for the fun of it. They can't really add much more time to my sentence now can they?

I sat in the yard with Bea, dominating a picnic bench in a corner of the lot.

We sat watching the women play basketball, laughing occasionally at how serious they took it. I think some even ended up with blood noses by the end of it.

Out of the blue Bea spoke." Whataya gonna do when you get outta here?"

I looked over at her. " What when aliens come get me? Probably drive off into the sunset and slide over a rainbow," I smiled amusedly at the thought.

"I mean when you and Alex leave in a few weeks. "

I whipped my head around-" I don't know what your on Red, but your wrong."

She looked me in the eye " don't play stupid with me Franky, I heard you guys in the library the other day. And I saw you guys stealing things here and there. "

I looked down at my tattered white converse. "How many other people know?"

"Just me, Boomer, Liz and Jess."

"What?! That's basically the whole fucking block! Are they gonna lag?"

She thought for a minute. "Nah, they want in. What I mean is, they wanna come with you two. Me included. "

I frowned- "nah red, I can't let you guys do that, it's dangerous enough as it is. Alex is only letting me come cause I'm blackmailing her...One person as it is is already jeperodising her chances...."

"Please Franky, just ask her. I've got nothing left to look forward to in here. I just want some remnant of my old life back. Okay?"

My only reply was a nod.

This wasn't going to go well.


Like I said before. It isn't going very well.

Alex was going ape. Throwing stuff around her room, kicking things, punching things, you name it.

Hell, I was cringing in the doorway, ducking every time a stray object flew past my head. Who new such a quiet loner could be so violent! And I am not cowering! I mean this is after all the woman who bit and severed a fucking ligament in a person's arm.

Yeah I'm still not over that.

"Four people? FOUR EXTRA FREAKING PEOPLE?! HOW THE HELL DO YOU EXPECT ME TO HELP FOUR OTHER PEOPLE OUT, WHEN I CAN HARDLY MANAGE TWO! WHO'S RETARDED IDEA WAS THIS?!" a shoe came flying past my head and soared into the hallway, successfully landing on someone's head. Which ended up in a string of cursing. Eek.

I assumed she was asking rhetorical questions, but when she was glaring pointedly at me I realized that was a legitimate question. "Oh, um, Bea."
Her eye twitched. She knew she couldn't do anything to disobey the top dog. And thats when she did the most unexpected thing.

She sat down on her bed, and laid on it, quietly staring up at the concrete ceiling.

I didn't know what to do, whether to leave her to her fuming or stay and suffer the backlash of her ever changing mood. Hell, her mood was like a drag queen trying to choose an outfit.

Undecided that's what.

Then she spoke softly- "Franky what do I do? If I go along with this, I have to change all my plans and I'll have a higher chance of getting caught. I don't know if I can take that risk."

"I think you should do it."

"Your just saying that coz you have to. Queen Bea always gets what she wants."

"I'm saying this out of my own untempered opinion."

She thought for a few minutes.

"Tell everyone to be ready for tomorrow night. Anyone who's late or disobeys me gets left behind. I'm in charge out there. We're leaving."

She closed her eyes and turned over, leaving me wide eyed and speechless.

Tomorrow I was leaving this hell hole.



Heey guys baby chapter!

Ooooooh, what's gonna happen next?

Will they be successful? Will someone get caught? Find out next!


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