Chapter Three - Caught and Cornered

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*Franky Doyles POV*
The remainder of the day flew by, with only a few fights in the yard aiding the reoccurring boredom. I was saved from the social onslaught by a rowdy pack of women playing a game of cards, their shouts and threats driving everyone in a 5 ft radius onwards to gap.

I wandered the halls aimlessly until lockup, attracting anonymous stares from passerbys. At about 15min to lockup, I ran into the one and only. So apparently Liz's information wasn't all correct. I trailed her to H3, where she avoided as many people and guards as she could, keeping to the shadows. How comical.

I wouldn't exactly say I was stalking, more like investigating. Just seing what she was up to. Ugh, that makes me sound like a fucking screw. Speaking of screws, she's now talking to one, and who knew - I rolled my eyes- the bitch was using puppy dog eyes. She was either bribing the guard or lagging.

A moment later the guard nods and walks off, Alex darting into the showers. Wondering whether or not I feel like having some fun and being a perv tonight, I find my self already drawn to the bathroom door. Eh, I just give her a bit of a scare.

I enter the shower room and am surprised at what the hell she's doing. The shower head she'd just held and screwed off a few moments ago now lay on the dry shower cubicle floor, a shocked and defensive Alex looking my way.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

I folded my arms and gave her an accusing look-" I could ask you the same question, in a different context. ..,"

She returned my look-" are you stalking me?! We're not even in the same block!"

I ignored that and got straight to the point "What exactly are you doing to that shower head? "

"n-" I cut her off- "Just remember that I had ears today, and tend to have a big mouth when I want too. And my tongue really can't control itself in certain situations," I smiled to myself at the double meaning.

She huffed and kicked the tiled wall. And when she looked at me- and boy if looks could kill- her stare was murderous. I matched it with a cold one of my own.

She looked back up at the damaged shower head and ripped something off the rim and held it up.

"I've been stealing the rubber seals from the shower heads."

I frowned." Well yeah, I can see that idiot. Whata they for?"

She looked hesitant and a few seconds later grimaced. Looking around as if there might be a hidden person or camera, she beckond me over into the cubicle with worried eyes.

Walking into the Metre by Metre space, she shut the curtain and moved us further toward the wall, our bodies close. She leaned down toward me, twisting the band in her hands.

"I'm gonna twist these together and stick them in the door lock the night I leave. They'll stop the door from locking, so I can just sneak out. They'll also give me grip for when get outta the room and climb," She looked into my eyes- "You can't tell anyone about what I'm gonna do . Please. I just want out of this shithole. I'll go mad in less than a year. "

A lot of what she said I now realized reflected much of my own feelings. Not being able to survive in prison for the rest of my life. Going insane from the exclusion of the outside world, from freedom. Not only that but I realized in prison, you were never truly close with someone. The only way you could survive in that environment was to live apart from every one else, but to put up a facade of being everyone's friend. Because a lone wolf is always targeted by the pack, whether it be its family, friends or just a random group. To put up a united front is just a mask, for all in those seemingly United can and will turn on each other at a moments notice. We are really always truly alone. And that's when I knew that I would get out of the cruelty of the excluded pack and out into the freedom of the wild.

I looked into her deep green orbs. My face deadly serious.

"Take me with you."


*Alex's POV*

My only reply was a brief nod of understanding before someone burst through the door and the curtain ripped open.

"Ooooooh , looks like you two are having fun, mind if we join in?"

Franky and I immediately pulled apart and faced the group of troll resembling women. With lips pursed and eyes set, You could see franky held no respect for them.

Venom laced her words.
"Lucy and her fucking horse clan. What dark and filthy hole did you crawl out of ya stinkin old hag?"

Lucy grinned with yellow crooked teeth. " Well if I remember correctly, it was yours..." She moved closer.
Franky paled but stood her ground.
"Why don't you just fuck off"

"What if we don't want to?"

"it wasn't asking"

"Too bad love, we're here for some fun. Get em girls" She gestured to the too pervs behind her. They walked slightly forward in sync, and that's when I struck.

I pushed Franky behind me and held the edge of the top of the cubicle sides and jumped up, then I swung forward and kicked someone in the chest, sending them sprawling. The remaining cronie came toward me, sending a kick my way, a fist landing on my face. She put her weight on me and pushed me up against the wall, her hands around my neck.

Franky came up from behind and smashed her in the head, leaving me a small gap to maneuver around. Franky began hitting her head against the wall until she was knocked out. We took a second of a breather, only to have Lucy run at us with a weapon. I immediately scanned the area and hit a shiny metal button .

Hot water scoured and burnt Lucys face, blinding her temporarily. I screamed at Franky to disarm her, and then I tackled her into the hard concrete below. Incapacitated, we had eliminated all threats. Who so I thought. The first attacker rose behind Franky and grab ed her from behind by the neck, choking her. I ran and tried to untangle the women's arms from her neck, but was unsuccessful. And so I did something so wild and animalistic that even a cannibal would flinch.

I bit her.

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