Chapter Eight- The host

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Franky Doyles POV

I just stood there.

I didn't know what to do, how to help... I just wanted to ease her pain. I mean sure I hate her can't wish that kind of pain on someone. It's just too brutal. Hit in the head with a rock? No one gives a fuck. Left hanging by your arm on barbed wire? We be all over that. And she was my ex...something after all. Definitely not an ex girlfriend. No strings attached in prison.

As I watched the blood pour out of her arm in streams and flows, I heard distant sirens and saw faint blue and red lights. We would have to get out of here before they see us. As I thought this I saw Alex sprinting across the wide black expanse of road toward a park. I tore my eyes away from the gruesome sight behind me and urged the others to hurry and follow Alex.

I ran fast and hard through the trees, wind and slight curtains of rain whipping my face and hair. Behind me ran the others, I apparently their new leader. Alex was no where in sight, so I had to rely on my non existent sense of direction to guide me through the vast darkness. All that could be heard now was the labored breathing of our group, who had been running for at least 20 minutes. I could not hear nor see any signs of the police, but had to assume they went far. We stopped for a breather.

"Where... are... we..." Boomer panted.

I rubbed at a cramp in my side-" no fucking idea. "

We began walking through the now less denser bush and stumbled onto what looked to be a highway road. Off to the side parked in the cover of the trees was a minivan, hippie to be exact, and it looked like it'd just run off the road. Maybe we can get a ride with some crackheads.

We slowed, keeping to the shadows of the forest due to the ever lightening pink sky. We silently approached the van and saw no sign of any human life. Our feet crunched on the damp vegetation as I made the attempt to open the door. It wouldn't budge. Boomer tried opening it with a stick, and whataya know, the bloody thing opened. I couldn't see properly inside of the van as the windows were steamed up. Here goes.

I slid in the driver's side door and into the seat. And that's when I felt I massive pain in my skull. It flooded through my whole body and nearly caused me to vomit. The attacker was ready to strike again when Boomer barged in and disarmed the bastard.

Black spots danced across my vision.




Alex pushed Boomer aside to look at my head. Concern mared her face as she gently pulled away bloodied strands of hair. A sharp intake of breath told me all I had to know.

"So what's the verdict doc?" I asked gingerly.

" I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you! I thought it was the feds!" She pleaded.

"Ah don't worry bout it cupcake, consider it payback for the hell I've already put you through. Let's just get out of here ay?" I gestured for the keys.

"You are not driving"

I gave an angered look. "Why not?"

"Because you probably have a concussion. "

I just sighed. In a few moments we had switched places and everyone was loaded in the van.

"Where's the keys?" I asked.

She smiled sheepishly holding up a spoon. She then inserted it and they engine roared to life. Or coughed.

I lay my hear down and took to staring out at the trees.


I jolted awake.

We had apparently stopped for the day and were now reversing into a thick cluster of trees.

We were going to stay at a small secluded log cabin in the middle of nowhere and according to Alex, it was owned by one of her brothers 'contacts'.

Let's just hope he doesn't go to the cops. For all I know there was probably a reward out for us by now, even though it had been less than forty eight hours.

I figure approached us as we got out of the van. He was tall, about 6'2, not very strong built, bit of a pot belly. Typical farm boy. lifeless brown hair, brown eyes and a bored look on his face. Not attractive in the least. Although I guess I would say that, being a lesbian and all. Yeah.

"Lenny Rodgers, at your service. Please follow me." He winked.


I was already hating this trip, so when I saw the Shit we were staying in, I was pissed. Log cabin my ass. It was an oversized fucking shack. A red pick up truck sat nearby and looked way more accommodating than this.

Hopefully this is just a pitstop.

He retrieved a key from his dull oversized overalls.

Inside was a dump. No running water, no central heating, no power, just a bunch of old crap. The only source of light was from a crackling fire in the hearth. Great.

"Where's my room" I said depressed.

"Right this way".


Heey guys this really is a baby chapter ☆☆

Don't have much time to write...
Or update. ..







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