Chapter nine - Damn

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I had been wandering the house like a zombie.

We'd been here two days now and I just wanted to go back to prison. At least they had clean and comfortable beds, real food and a TV. Oh and a toilet. And a shower.

Yeah we have to use a fucking outhouse, and I haven't washed in days. I probably smell like the outhouse.

God I could complain for days.

Except I've hardly said two words to anyone. Usually when I've spoken it's just been some string of curses. Sigh.

I just want out of this shithole.


Alex's POV

Boring would underestimate what I feel right now.

Days I've waited for the letter I am supposed to receive from my brother so that I can leave here. Sure, at least we're safe but for how long? We can't stay cooped up forever.

I sat on the weathered sofa just staring absentmindedly at the fire. The way it danced and spat, bursting with coziness and life. Unlike here. The others just wandered about Like ghosts, or sat around like me, staring at one thing or another.

After about half an hour franky spoke.

"What exactly are we waiting for.?"

I snapped out of my trance. "Hmm?"

She looked irritantedly at me-" I said why are we still fucking around in this shithole of a place when we could be half way across the country by now? I mean come on, if we were gonna do this, you could of picked better accommodations,"

I blinked. "Well I'm sorry, would you of preferred a 5 star hotel with a swimming pool? Perhaps sip champagne on the beach? Well sorry I couldn't exactly get what you wanted lady Doyle . I was kinda busy running from the cops "

She stood up. "Lady Doyle? Seriously? And yes I would of loved a five star hotel, but considering the circumstances, that obviously wasn't going to happen. What you could of done was get us a place with running fucking water, power, and maybe a bathroom! And an added bonus would be not having to live with a fucking weirdo!!!" She looked at Lenny "even prison was fucking better than this shithole. ."

I stood up as well "Well then maybe you should just go back there!!! Leave! Do us all a favor and just leave." Jess gasped.

"I will then. Gladly. " And with that she bumped roughly past my shoulder and left the cabin, slamming the door behind her.

Boomer ran after her.

I sat back down, head in my hands. Liz gave me a side hug, but her smile wasn't genuine. We sat like that for awhile until Boomer came back.

"No sign of her. Hard to see out there as well, rains fucking pissing down."

I groaned.

"Well, I'm fucked, gonna go ta bed" Boomer said.

"Us too" Liz and Jess said. "G'night"

And then there were two.

"I never intended for that too happen. And I'm thankful for every thing you've done for us." I smiled at him.

He smiled back-"how bout I show you something, " he got up and gestured for me to follow him. I followed him outside and we quickly ran toward the garage. Once inside, I took the time to look around. A double bed lay in the corner, a dart board in another, a few lanterns here and there, and some random things like gardening tools etc.

He grabbed my hand and led me over to the bed. I reluctantly followed, and we sat down on the edge. He looked in my eyes and moved his hand up and down my arm. I moved back.

"Lenny, I don't want this. I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong signals,"

He moved closer. " How about you show me how grateful you really are."

He pushed me back on the bed, his wet lips trying to find my own. I uselessly tried to shove him away, kicking and punching and clawing. But it was no use. He had my arms and legs pinned down, and I couldn't fight back. I resorted to screaming my head off, just screaming. I doubt anyone could hear me above the skittering and thundering drops of rain on the houses tin roof.

No one was going to save me.

I was going to be raped.

I tried to block out everything, his heavy breathing, dirty stubby hands pulling my hair, and my shirt just getting torn open. His hands ran viciously up my sides. Sending stray tears down my cheeks. He went down to rip my pants off, and I kneed him in the face, hearing a satisfactory crunch. I scrambled for the door, opening it but he grabbed my leg. I screamed at the top of my lungs and was pulled back by my hair and thrown on the bed. The door slammed shut and he turned around, nose crooked and bleeding. He stalked toward me and slapped me hard against across the cheek, making it numb. we started to wrestle as I attempted to fight him off while he landed blow after blow to my face and body. We fell on the floor and I kicked him where the sun don't shine, but like as usual, he got me. He picked me up like a rag doll and tossed me into a a small table, wood splintering into my limbs and back. I whimpered as he came toward me, backing up further into the corner. He kicked me in the stomach and began too undo his zipper. Out came something I refuse to speak of, and as the annoying and humorous person I was, and seeing as I was gonna probably get murdered anyway, was gonna go out in style. So I laughed. Laughed my crazy ass hysterical maniac laugh, and was rewarded with a punch to the spots danced across my eyes. He leaned down, and I prepared for my final ending. Who knew it would end like this. Ah crap, I suppose it's too late for memories. I waited for him to come nearer.

But he never did.


Pic of Alex ↑↑↑↑

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