Logan: 1.

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 This is a story co-written with me and Immy. Immy, also known as Immlaaarr, wrote this chapter. Check out her lovely work via the dedication.


I looked in horror at my best friend. “You have got to be joking,” I said slowly, blinking at her in disbelief. “Jamie… seriously. Don’t mess with me.”

“I’m not messing with you,” Jamie said patiently. “I’m not coming.”

“But!” I protested. “I can’t survive a three-week trip without you! I’m going to have to talk to other people!”

Jamie smiled at that. “Logan, it’s only three weeks! You can call me every day, if you want to. I just can’t make it.”

“But it was going to be a fun trip for us,” I groaned. “Now I’m stuck coaching my team and conversing with cheerleaders.”

Jamie rolled her eyes. “Cheerleaders are humans as well.”

“No,” I corrected. “You’re the only human on that team. Believe me, I’ve exchanged pleasantries with them before.”

Jamie sighed. “Logan, please. Just act vaguely normal?”

“Ha,” I said. “Fat chance.”

Jamie grinned, suddenly looking over my shoulder. “Looks like someone did come to see you off after all.”

I rolled my eyes, thinking she was lying, when tiny arms wrapped around my waist. I looked over my shoulder in surprise to see my nephew, Seth, clinging to me.

“Seth!” I exclaimed, turning around so I could pick him up. “What are you doing here?!”

“Daddy brought me,” Seth said, smiling his cute little smile at me.

“Look at you!” I said, weighing him in my arms. “You’ve grown since I last saw you! You’re going to be as tall as me one day!”

At five foot nine, that was difficult for most people to achieve, but a tall gene ran through my entire family. As I held my lovely nephew close to me, I saw my brother Coby and his wife Susie hovering nearby, letting me have some time with Seth. I loved Seth so very much; I loved him like he was my own. In fact, the three family members stood with me were the only people in my family I actually loved; there was only one person I loved more than them.

“Where’s Jay?” Seth asked, using his usual nickname for my friend.

“She’s just-” I said, turning around to see her, but finding that she was talking to a teacher about ten metres away. “She’s over there.”

“She’s not in her uniform,” Seth said, his little face scrunching up in confusion. All the cheerleaders were in their uniforms, as if they were going to perform a skit on the bus. Personally, I thought it was so they could show off their incredibly toned and slim physique.

“She’s not coming on this trip,” I sighed.

Seth was devastated for me. “What?!” he asked, shocked. “Why isn’t Jay going?”

“Her momma is ill,” I told him gently. “That’s what she told me.”

“Oh,” Seth said, now upset. “Should I go and tell her hi?”

“We’ll both go,” I said, setting him down. “Are you too old to hold hands?”

Seth looked at my extended hand and took it, shaking his head. We both headed over to Jamie and the teacher.

“Jay!” Seth said, momentarily forgetting his sadness and leaping into her outstretched arms.

“Hey, little man!” Jamie said, twirling him around. “I’ve missed you!”

Between Logan and Jamie {complete}Where stories live. Discover now