Logan: 23.

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Another chapter from the glorious Immy who wrote so fast!  Check her out via the dedication!


I was ever so slightly pissed off with the situation, truth be told.

“So,” I said, collapsing into the seat next to Jamie. “What are we doing today?”

Jamie laughed. “That’s Mason’s seat.”

I sighed, and moved away, next to Harley. “Great, stick me with the blonde.”

“Oi,” Jenna said, joining us. “No bitching on the blondes.”

“Sorry,” I sighed. “Jesus, I can’t do anything right today.”

Jenna grinned and leaned in to kiss me. “Good morning, dear.”

“Morning,” I sighed. “I’m so tired, it’s unreal. I’ll go get a-”

“Coffee?” she predicted, handing me a mug. “Got you one. I figured you’d need it after another night of Seth.”

“Oh,” I said, taken-aback. “Thank you, that’s-”

“What’s wrong with Seth?” Jamie frowned.

I sighed. “Growing pains. All through the goddamn night, around his joints and things. He just keeps crying and crying. It’s a nightmare.”

“You should have called,” Jamie said sympathetically.

“I called your landline, but your mum said you were sleeping,” I laughed. “It’s fine, I called Jenna.”

“Oh,” Jamie said, looking slightly put out. “Sorry, I fell asleep really early last night.”

“It’s fine,” I said, and then winced as my head throbbed with pain as it had been doing all morning. “I’ll just grab my bag, I need some-”

“Paracetamol?” Jenna guessed, holding up a packet.

I narrowed my eyes. “Okay that’s just creepy now. How did you know?”

“You said when I called this morning that you had a headache,” Jenna shrugged. “I just guessed.”

“Well, thank you,” I smiled, kissing her again.

“Alright, enough of that,” Harley said firmly. “I don’t want it shoved in my face this early in the morning.”

I glared at her. “Homophobe.”

“Making-out-in-front-of-me-phobe, more like,” she said insistently.

“Yeah, whatever,” I said, and settled down in my seat, sipping my coffee and holding the packet of paracetamol. I spied Jamie staring at me. “What?” I asked, suddenly self-conscious.

She shook her head. “Nothing…I just…you didn’t tell me you had a headache.”

“It didn’t seem important at the time,” I shrugged. “It’s cool.”

“I would have brought you some of my mum’s tea,” she said pointedly, but then Mason settled down in the chair next to her. “Hey,” she said, kissing him hello.

“Oh, good,” Harley said sarcastically. “More romance.”

“Like your singing wasn’t enough,” Jenna teased.

Mason grinned. “My singing was brilliant, thank you very much!”

“It was very romantic,” Jamie laughed slightly, but her eyes didn’t light up.

Between Logan and Jamie {complete}Where stories live. Discover now