We're going to be good friends Matty Boy

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'Well, crazy or not, that kind of love never dies' - Klaus Mikaelson

Emily Halstead wondered towards the doors of Firehouse 51, as she walked closer to tried to regain some of the composure she had seemed to have lost on her 20 minute drive to the new firehouse. Everyone knew just how difficult it could be joining a new firehouse, they where a family and there is always a chance that they may not except you - then you'd be stuck working with people that hate you. And that's always a thrill. After thinking for way to long, Emily placed her go bag on the floor - taking a deep breath before continuing the descending walk into the unknown. By the time she had gotten to the doors of the firehouse, all that Emily could think about was making a run for it before anyone saw her.

"Can I help you?" A voice asked Emily, snapping her right out of her current thoughts. She turned on her heels to see a male with blond hair and blue eyes looking straight at her.

"Yeah, hi. I'm Emily Halstead. I've just transferred in and you just ruined my plan to run away before anyone saw me" Emily said, a small laugh escaping her lips as she spoke. The blond laughed at her little joke too, but what he didn't know was that that was actually a plan before he had caught her.

"Matt Casey. No need to be worried, you'll fit in fine here" Matt told her, giving her a mall reassuring smile on his face as he spoke. "Did you say your name was Halstead?" He asked, at this Emily believed that moving back to the city was a mistake. She was aware of what her brothers where doing in the city, Jay was a Detective with CPD and Will was Doctor in Chicago Med - both of them making a name for themselves in the city. Instead of answering with any words, Emily just nodded. "Any chance your related to Will and Jay Halstead?" Matt asked her, curious what the relation was.

"Will and Jay are my older brothers. We have a strange relationship, can we leave it at that?" Emily asked, not wanting to talk about her difficult family life that seemed to follow her around these days - especially since it was no one else's business. "So, who will I be working with may I ask?"

"If I remember correctly. Your on Squad, and your Lieutenant is Kelly Severide" Matt told Emily with a smirk and a small smile.

"I'm sure I will be able to handle Lieutenant Severide" Emily said to Matt, who just kept the same smirk plastered on his face. "What?" Emily questioned, clearly not understanding the sentiment behind the smirk.

"Ii just don't think it will be a case of you being able to handle him, he might want to handle you" Matt told her, with a small laugh. At this Emily let out a laugh to, just the idea was comical to her. "Severide lives with me and my girlfriend, so if you can, keep the noise levels down" Matt continued.

"Wow, you've known me for five minutes and you already think I'm going to hook up with my Lieutenant. We're going to be good friends Matty boy" Emily chuckled, throwing her arm around his shoulders.

"It seems like your already settled in then" Matt said, chuckling at Emily's actions. "Let's go introduce you to everyone then?" Matt seemed to question, Emily just nodded back to him. Starting to feel more comfortable about the whole transfer situation. She was lead into the common room and swiftly introduced to everyone.

"Everyone, this is Emily Halstead - relation to Jay and Will. Nothing more to be said" Matt told everyone with a stern voice. "Halstead, this is Gabby Dawson" Matt said, putting out his hand to a woman who gladly took it. Her hair was dark and her skin tone was a lovely dark tan, compared to her, Emily looked like a walking milk bottle - something which Emily found amusing. She was then introduced to the rest of the crew at firehouse 51, as she learnt everyone's name - Emily wondered how she was going to remember everyone's names.

"Hi everyone, thank you for allowing me to join your CFD family. And I can't wait to get to know you all" Emily spoke, trying to make sure that everyone knew that she was a team player - given that being a team player was something every important in a firehouse.

"Is this my new second?" A voice asked from behind Emily, she turned to see a tall guy with dark hair looking at her. "Emily Halstead, right?" He asked her, watching as Emily just looked at him for a moment.

"Yeah, it's Halstead. Emily Halstead" She managed to say after a minute or two. She could tell just by looking at him that he was used to having women fawn over him, mainly because of his looks. Emily wasn't going to lie to herself, he was a good looking guy. But it wasn't his looks that had caught her off guard, it was the attitude that he had with he that distracted her. Everyone else she had met in the firehouse seemed like they would be best friends with Emily by the end of her first shift, but he seemed off with her. This lead Emily to think, was it because she was the first female member of Squad 3?

"Kelly Severide. I'm your Lieutenant" The newly introduced Kelly Severide said to her, his face still as hard as stone. "Anything you want to tell me before you start your first shift?" He asked her, in a way telling her that if she was hiding anything - now would be a good time to tell him whatever it was.

"No, Lieutenant" Emily said to him, not really sure what he was actually wanting her to tell him.

"Have you ever worked Squad before?" Severide asked her.

"Yes" Emily answered, there was a small amount of confidence that was quickly running out that came through as she spoke. "I worked on Squad 6 with Rick Newhouse" She continued, trying to show him that she had paid her dues - and that she wasn't one of those people who had slept her way to her new position. It was easy for anyone to see that Severide really wasn't impressed with Emily, this made her want to roll her eyes - but she resisted the urge.

"Okay, well you can put your stuff in a locker and do what ever it is you want to do" Severide told her before pointing towards the lockers and swiftly walking away from her. Knowing she was finally alone, Emily rolled her eyes. She took a breath before ripping off a piece of tape and writing out her last name on it. This was a firehouse tradition, branding your locker. Emily spent a few minutes placing the items in her go bag into the empty locker in front of her.


Hi guys,

If you are reading this series for the first time, or you are rereading the series again - I just want to say a big thank you.

If you are rereading this series for the second time, you will find that some things in this series will have changed. There will be no change in the plot, but you will now get a better insight to why Emily is the way she is.

I hope you enjoy the book.

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