We haven't slept together

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Emily always made sure she had an overnight bag packed and ready, this was something that she had been taught in the FBI. Always be ready. As she picked up her bag, there was a knock on her door. Behind the door stood Kelly Severide, waiting for Emily with his go bag over his shoulder. Emily smiled at him, not holding back at all. 

"Good morning" Severide said to her, returning the smile she had on her face. "Your carriage awaits" He told her, laughing as he spoke - Emily joined in on this laughter. Severide took the overnight bag from her hand and threw it over his shoulder, before placing it in his car - as well as putting his bag in the car too. Emily locked the front door behind her before joining Severide in his car.

"Thank you, Severide" Emily said, sitting down in the passenger seat of his car.

"For what?" He asked her.

"The lift" Emily said to him. Severide whispered a small your welcome, as he continued driving to the firehouse. The rest of the ride was a quiet one, since neither of them had anything else to say. It wasn't like they didn't have anything in common, because in reality they had a lot in common with each other - but it more like they where both comfortable in the silence that had over come them. It wasn't a long drive to the firehouse, and when they arrived - Severide jumped out of the car to pick up their bags. 

"Here you go" Severide said to Emily as he passed her go bag to her. 

"Thank you again" Emily told Severide as she took the bag from his hands with a smile. Severide closed the boot of the car before the two made their way into the firehouse, laughing and joking as they went. As soon as they had both put their bags in their lockers, the two of them went their separate ways. While Severide went to the Squad table to catch up with the boys, Emily wondered into the common room to see what was for breakfast.

From the moment Emily wondered into the common room, everyone sitting in front of her started swapping money around. Cruz, Otis, Matt, Gabby and Herrman all passed over some money to Mouch who sat on the couch with a smug smile on his face. Emily watched this confused. 

"What was the bet?" Emily asked, wanting to know why she hadn't even been included on this bet. At her question, Matt and Gabby started to chuckle a little.

"Yeah, Otis. You set it up. You can tell her" Matt said laughing.

"We all bet how long it would take you and Severide to sleep together. Mouch said before next shift" Otis said with his head down.

"That's a joke, right?" Emily asked, hoping that this was just a joke that the crew had come up with to see if they could freak her out.  

"Is what a joke?" Severide asked from behind Emily, and stopping right next to her.

"We all bet how long it would take for you to sleep together" Otis said. "Mouch won. He said by next shift"

"We haven't slept together" Both Severide and Emily said in unison.

"Why did you get out of Severide's car together?" Mouch asked.

"We live over the road from each other" Severide said, laughing a little at the accusation that he had slept with Emily. "I offered her a lift in. Is that okay with everyone?" Severide asked. Everyone looked at each other, not to sure what to say next - there where a few sorry's that could be heard coming from the gamblers mouths. Before Emily could say anything else, the sound of her phone getting a text caught her attention. 

This is all I could get you. Be careful Em, see you soon 


Emily was glad when she got this text from Derek Morgan, out of everyone on her team - she knew that he would send her this file. Making sure that she got whatever it was that she needed to do whatever it was she needed to do. One thing that Morgan knew not to do, was to ask questions about what she was up to. The two had been partners for years, and they knew they could call on each other whenever needed. 

Thank you. I owe you one Morgan. Keep safe.

Even though Emily knew he would keep himself safe, Emily still felt the need to tell him that anyway. Just to be sure, it made her feel better just saying it. 

I've got the file. I'll get it printed out. Come pick it up whenever you get the chance. 

The message Emily sent to Sargent Hank Voight read. The moment Voight received this message, he smiled to himself - Jay's little sister had been able to keep her word when telling him she could get a file. To Hank, this proved that she had guts. There wasn't a lot of people that would have been able to do something like this, especially off their own backs. 

I'm on my way.

Voight text back to Emily, already walking out of the station and getting into his car. At the firehouse, Emily stood for a moment - wondering where would be the best place to actually print the file out. "What's up?" Matt asked his new friend, as he saw the confusion that had was written on his face.

"Nothing. Have we got anywhere that I could print something out?" Emily asked him, hoping that Matt would be able to help her out. 

"You can use my office if you want" Matt said to her. 

"Thank you" Emily said as Matt lead her to his office, leaving the events of the common room behind them both. Matt didn't stay in the office with Emily as she printed the document out, instead he wondered back into the common room. After printing it out, Emily quickly clipped the pieces of paper together. She placed the finished document on Matt's desk before sitting down on his bed, just thinking about the case itself. She worried that having Jay investigating Ian Donovan could be dangerous for him. It took her a few moments, put she stood back up and wondered towards the common room.

"Halstead" A voice called out to Emily, as she got closer to the common room. She looked up seeing Hank Voight standing in front of her. Out of the corner of her eye, Emily could see everyone in the common room looking at Voight and glaring at him. It was as if he was the devil. At this Emily chose not to ask Voight why the crew seemed to dislike him, instead she just passed over the file. "Thank you" Voight said to her, before shaking her hand. He then left the firehouse, nothing more being said between them both. 

"What was he doing here?" Matt asked Emily, leaving his seat next to Gabby and walking over towards the newest fire fighter. 

"Voight came to pick up a case file that can help his investigation" Emily told Matt, but still after hearing this - Matt still looked angry. "Is there something I should know about with you and Voight?" Emily asked, knowing that no matter what - she was going to get an answer out of Matt. She wasn't going to let this go, and if he didn't want to tell her - Emily would get the answer from someone else. 

"Voight tried to kill me, a number of times. As well as my fiancee" Matt told Emily. This news left Emily a little shell shocked. She knew that Hank Voight had a reputation in Chicago, but she had never pegged him as a killer. 

"I'm sorry. I had no idea. I wont bring him here again" Emily promised Matt, not wanting to make him feel uncomfortable in his own firehouse. 

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