That's my brother Antonio

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Even before Emily had opened the door to get into Molly's, she could hear the laughter and music escaping from every crack in the windows. As Emily walked into bar, she glanced around the room. Trying to find someone that she recognised. The first person Emily clocked eyes on was Gabby, so without thinking Emily wondered over towards her. "Hey" Emily said, greeting her new friend. 

"You actually came here" Gabby said, pulling her new friend in for a hug. Gabby could feel that Emily wasn't really into the hug at first, but she slowly eased into it.

"Pizza and unpacking wasn't my thing tonight, but a beer sounds great" Emily said to Gabby with a small smirk on her face. Gabby turned around and picked out two beers from behind the bar. Taking a seat next to her new friend, both of them starting to drink their beers together. 

"Cheers" The friends said at the same time, clinking their bottles together before drinking.

"So, boyfriend?" Gabby asked "If not I know some great single guys. Or girls, if that's what you're into" Gabby said to her friend, making Emily laugh. 

"I'm kind of taking a break from dating for now" Emily told Gabby. At this, Gabby didn't ask anymore about setting her up with anyone. Gabby knew that if Emily was going to say anymore about her last relationship, she would tell her in her own time. Gabby opened her mouth to talk but Emily became distracted by the cold breeze that seemed to take over from behind her. One thing that Emily could help herself doing, was turning around to see who had just walked though the door. While Emily didn't know who this new man was that had just walked through the door, Gabby did. 

"Gabby" The unknown male said, walking over towards the two friends - pulling Gabby into a hug before turning to Emily and looking at her. 

"Antonio, this is Emily Halstead. Jay and Will's sister" Gabby said, introducing Emily to her brother. "Emily, this is my brother Antonio" Gabby told her. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Antonio" Emily said, placing her hand out in front of her for Antonio to shake. "Can you do me a favour and not mention that you've seen me to my brother?" Emily asked, in a way she was pleading with him to keep this little meeting a secret. Without a second thought, Antonio nodded at her - agreeing to her terms. The two Dawson siblings and Emily sat together for a few hours, talking about everything and anything before Emily told them she needed to go home. 

"Right, I need to go" Emily said, picking up the small bag with her purse in - as well as putting on her coat. Just as Emily went to say goodbye to Gabby and Antonio, Severide walked over towards the new friends. 

"Are you leaving?" Severide asked Emily, she nodded back to him while trying to fix the coat she was putting on. "I'll give you a lift home if you want" Severide said continued. 

"Thank you" Emily said, before leaving the bar - she gave Gabby a hug and shook Antonio's hand. Severide placed his hand on the bottom of Emily's back, ushering her out of the bar. "So, any chance you're going to let me drive?" Emily asked, already thinking she was going to be told know by her Lieutenant. 

"Yeah. Go ahead" Severide told Emily, tossing the keys to his car in her direction. 

"Really?" Emily asked, she watched at Severide nodded at her. He watched as Emily opened the car door and hopped in. 

"Really" Severide said, smiling at Emily as he climbed into the passenger seat of his car. Emily passed Kelly her handbag to hold as she drove, he watched as she seemed to have a smirk n her face. For a while, the drive home was silent - with some small noises coming from Severide's direction every time Emily broke the speed limit. "Okay, that's it. Next time, I'm driving" Kelly said to her, Emily just turned to him and smiled at the small smile on his face as he spoke.

"Next time?" Emily questioned, raising one eyebrow as she spoke. "Who says I'll ever be getting in a car with you again?" She laughed, Kelly just smiled at her. As Emily continued driving to her home, everything was quiet - with the only sound being the sound of the cars engine. As Emily pulled up outside her house, she turned to get her bag off Severide who was trying to hold in a laugh. "Problem?" Emily asked. 

"You live here?" 

"Yes, why?" Emily questioned.

"I live, right there" Severide said to Emily, pointing to the apartment building over the road from Emily's house. The two occupants of the car looked at each other and laughed. 

"I hope you realise that this now means I'm going to expect a life to shift" Emily joked, watching as Severide listened to this and laughed back at her. 

"At least now I'll have an eventful drive in" Severide joked back to her.

"Good night" Emily said to Severide as he passed over her handbag, after Emily got out of the car - Severide switched seats. When Emily got to her door, she turned back to see Severide looking at her - a small smile still on his face. Without thinking, Emily smiled back at him. 

That night Emily went to bed with a smile on her face, but little did she know - Kelly Severide went to bed that night with the same smile on his face. 

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