I messed with your feelings!

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"What happened to the baby?" Emily asked, becoming impatient with the mother of the infant baby that had been lying dead on a metal slab in front of the FBI Agent not three hours ago. The mother placed her head in her hands, sighing as she did so. For hours this mother had kept up the story that she didn't know what had happened to her child. Even though the team had come to the conclusion that it was the mother's boyfriend had killed the baby, they knew that she must have known what was going on in her own home. 

"I'm telling you, I don't know!" She shouted at Emily. 

"Do you know what he did to your baby?" Emily asked, but there was no answer from the mother. She reached into the case file, pulling out pictures of the child - and placing them on the table, one by one. Hoping that just showing these photos to her would get her to turn on the guy that killed her baby."You see those bruises? They were caused by your boyfriend grabbing you little boy and shaking him. Look. Look at those bruises, they must have hurt him. Where were you when your baby boy was crying out in pain?" Emily asked. 

"Please. Stop" The mother pleaded with Emily, but instead - the FBI Agent took out another photograph. This time it showed the burn marks on her child's arms, legs and torso.

"Where were you when your child was crying out because his flesh was being burnt? Over and over again. Where were you?" Emily shouted, losing her cool.

"Emily. That's enough" A voice said from behind her, and when she finally turned around Hotch was behind her - standing by the interrogation room door. Holding it open for his Agent to leave. "Out now!" He shouted.

"Someone's looking out for you. To bad no one was there to help your baby" Emily said, walking out of the interview room and straight out of the station. She knew that Hotch was following her out, the sound of his footsteps behind her where distinctive. 

"What's going on with you?" Hotch asked Emily, she just shook her head back at him. Not really wanting to go into the details about what it was that seemed to be bothering her. Especially since she wasn't sure how to say that she wanted to leave the team.

As Emily lay on her brothers couch, two thoughts seemed to be continually racing through her mind. How did her life become this messed up? And what was she going to do next.  As much as the two Halstead siblings were enjoying living together, having his kid sister on his couch wasn't helping him with his relationship with Erin Lindsey.

It was a knock on the door that caught Emily's attention, since Jay was working and ill was pulling a late shift - she wondered who it would be here this late. Who visits Jay? Emily wondered. When she opened the door, Gabby was standing in front of her. A smile on her face that Emily was glad to see. Gabby pulled her best friend into a hug, and it was at that moment that Emily realised that Gabby was her best friend too. 

Gabby pulled her friend into a bone crushing hug before releasing her to get a better look at the woman standing in front of her. "You know, you look pretty good for someone sleeping on their brothers couch" Gabby said, making Emily laugh with her comment. "How are you?" Gabby asked, walking right past Emily and taking a seat on Jay's couch. When Emily didn't answer, Gabby spoke again. "The last time I was here, I'd just found out your brother was a cop. And then we had sex on that couch" The moment Gabby finished, Emily looked at her friend in shock. Gabby and Jay? 

"When did that happen?" Emily asked, voicing her thoughts out loud. 

"Oh, just before he got transferred into Intelligence" Gabby told Emily, leaving the Halstead sibling laughing for a moment before she went to sit on the couch. As she lowered herself closer to the couch, she remembered what Gabby had just told her. As quickly as she could, Emily stood back up. Taking a seat on the end of the coffee table, Gabby noticed this and laughed. 

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