Something went wrong in the gene pool there

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"What's going on?" Emily asked Jace, as they walked into Will's apartment. Since Will had given her a spare keys a few months ago after he started to work later nights, Emily knew that he wouldn't be home yet. In reality, the only reason he had given her a spare key was because he was worried that someone would break into his house. Leaving Emily to tell him that, this is what he got for moving into one of the worst neighbourhoods in the city. Emily watched as Jace looked around the apartment, not saying a word. "Well?" She questioned. 

"Listen, I need to find somewhere that I can stay for a while. Somewhere that no one will ever think to look for me. You know, I just need to lay low for a little bit" Jace said to her, sitting back into Will's couch. For a moment, Emily looked at Jace. She looked at the man she had fallen in love with a little over 4 years ago, and she could see the difference in him.

"What happened to you?" Emily asked, sitting down next to her ex-boyfriend. "You've changed" She said, looking at him again. Since they broke up, Emily hadn't heard much from him. And if she was honest with herself, anything she had heard was bad news. 

"After we broke up, I took an undercover gig for a while. I went under with the Mafia. They found out that I was undercover, and they are looking for me. I just need to be away while the case dies down" Jace told her, taking her hand in his for a moment. Before Emily could say anything back to him, her phone rang out from her back pocket. As she pulled out her phone, she noticed the call was from Jay - sighing before she answered. 

"Hello" Emily answered. 

"Speedy, where are you?" Her brother asked, wondering if she was okay. 

"At home" She answered. "Why? What's up?"

"Well, you called me and asked if I wanted to get a drink with you and Will. I agreed, and now you haven't even shown up" Jay said to his sister, Emily could hear in his voice that he was joking around with her. Jay knew that Emily would show up, and she knew the real reason he had called her. "Oh, and what's this about you dating Connor Rhodes?" Jay asked, being his usual nosy self. 

"What's this about you dating Erin Lindsey?" Emily countered, knowing that it would make her brother feel uncomfortable.

"Okay, I'll see you in a bit" Jay said, laughing as he hung up the phone. After placing her phone back in her pocket, Emily looked straight at Jace.

"So, I need to go. I said I'd meet my brothers for a drink. You're more than welcome to join, or you can go back to my place. It's completely up to you" Emily said to Jace, he looked at her and smiled before replying to her. 

"I'll join you" Jace said to her, pulling Emily into another hug. "Thank you" He said, realising her from the hug. It took the two almost 20 minutes to get to Molly's and when they arrived at the bar - it was already packed. Quickly, Emily scanned around the bar - looking for her brothers, but the first person her eyes landed on was Kelly Severide. He was sat at the bar, all by himself. One part of her wanted to go over and speak to him, but another part of her knew that she would need to stay away. 

"Speedy" A voice called over to Emily, she turned towards where the sound came from and saw her siblings - Jay was waving her over to the table. As she and Jace walked over to the table, he instinctively placed his hand on her back - guiding her over. "So, who's your friend?" Jay asked, as Emily and Jace sat down at the small table. 

"Jay, Will. This is an old colleague of mine, Jace Walton" She said, introducing her brothers to her ex-boyfriend. "Jace, don't listen to anything these two idiots say. Most of it won't be true" Emily said, joking as she placed her bag down on the floor and walked over to the bar to get a few drinks. Gabby and Emily made eye contact, leading Emily to walk over to her. 

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