My brother is going to kill you

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Any house that Emily lived in, usually was barren. No photographs of family members on top of the fireplace, and absolutely no clothes other than hers where hung up in her closet. Ever since Tommy had died, Emily had become guarded. Not that it was Tommy's fault at all. But Emily couldn't see the point in opening up to someone again. The hours she worked didn't leave much time for her to socialise. But, meeting Kelly Severide had changed that. 

Emily had allowed him to spend the night on many occasions. Sometimes, Severide would leave the odd shirt or pair of jeans in her bathroom laundry basket. This didn't bother Emily at all. She would just wash them and hang them up, away from prying eyes.

As Derek Morgan walked around her Chicago home, it shocked him to see just how much Emily had changed. He recalled her apartment in Washington. Even though he had only been there a few times, it was clear that it wasn't a home. More like a place for Emily to rest before the next case. She had always vowed never to make a house a home until she was ready to settle down.

The closer Morgan looked at the house, the more photographs he spotted. Pictures of the team back in Washington. Gideon and Elle had graced some of these photos to. One photograph in particular caught his eye. Emily was sat at her kitchen table with a male sitting next to her, both of them had what looked like the remains of pancakes on their plates. She looked happy. Morgan smiled to himself at this. 

Jay and Reid inspected the basement of Emily's house, leaving Jay wondering how he didn't know that this room existed. In the far corner of the basement stood a wall of file cabinets, each of them containing details about open cases that she had investigated over the years. Reid opened the filing cabinet, scanning through her cases. A part of him wondered what Emily was planning to do. Did she think that she could close these cases herself? As he looked through the files one name caught his attention. Daniel Henry. The serial killer that Emily swore she would put behind bars, over his life he killed six young men. But there was never enough evidence to convict him. Reid called Morgan to the basement, knowing that it was a possibility Daniel Henry was the one behind all of this. She was onto something.

Emily slowly opened her eyes, every time she did so - it felt like her eyes were burning. "Morgan?" Emily asked, turning her head. She could hear movement in the darkened room, for a moment she thought it may have been Morgan coming towards her. But instead of getting a reply all she could hear was a cold laugh. After blinking a few times, she was able to get a better look at the room she was in. Without thinking, Emily pulled at the ropes that were tied around her wrists - before letting out a sigh. 

"Agent Halstead, it's been a while" A voice said to her, the male that was speaking stayed in the shadows that seemed to cover the room. Hiding himself from her line of sight. Emily tried to move a little, wanting to get a better look at whoever it was holding her hostage. But nothing she did worked. "It's been a long time" The voice said, Emily watched as her kidnapper moved into her line of sight. 

"Daniel Henry" Emily said "I'm guessing your the reason I was arrested this morning then?" Emily asked, letting out a sarcastic laugh as she spoke. She and the rest of her team in the BAU, had spent month trying to hunt down Daniel Henry - and now here he was. Framing her for murder. "I should have known" Emily said, rolling her eyes. 

"You're not as sharp as you used to be, Emily" Daniel said, walking towards her. He stood behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders. "Remember all those good times we had. You chasing me. Me getting away. I miss those days" Daniel said, walking back and forth. 

"What? The times when you were killing young men without mercy and I was trying to throw your ass into prison?"

"You haven't lost your attitude" Daniel said, wrapping his arms around Emily's neck. Keeping a tight grip. It wasn't enough to kill her, but it was more than enough to restrict her breathing. At this point, Emily knew it would be a long night.

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