You're a badge bunny

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During a normal day, Emily's mind would wonder every now and then. Usually she would think about her family, or even what she was going to have for dinner that night. But now, when her mind wondered - it was more about self preservation. She wondered whether someone was going to find out what she did, Voight knowing didn't bother her. But the possibility of Severide or Jay finding out about that night. Every time she thought about them finding out - her whole attitude would change.  

Severide had started to notice this. Whenever he asked her what was wrong he was hit with a wall of nothing. But he still wondered, was it him. 

Since Emily had returned to Chicago she had become close friends with the new member of Truck 81. Stella Kidd. But she worried about Stella's ex, Grant. Emily, could see the danger that was coming regarding Grant - but Stella couldn't. She believed that Grant was a lovely guy who had just lost his way a little. Even though she knew it wasn't her place, Emily kept an eye on the situation.  But that was beyond the point. 

As Emily watched the workings of Intelligence from her office, she wondered how she was going to make it all right with her brother. First, she thought about locking him in the cage and keeping him there until he would listen to reason. But she knew just how stubborn her brother could be. Then she thought about the time she was 17 and Jay was 18, just before he joined the army. Emily had taken it apon herself to go to the local shop and bought him a six pack. When she arrived at his room with the beer, he smiled and pulled her into a hug. These where the types of memories she had of Jay growing up. 

It was only a few months later that Jay joined the army and Emily moved to Washington to start her career. They lost touch and hardly spoke for the next 10 years really. There was a rift. And Emily wasn't sure how to fix it.She stayed in her office for a while, looking through some files when she noticed a case file she hadn't thought of in a while. The Reaper. A case that had caused her team to much pain for them to even bear for a while. She began reading over her case file when a knock on her door knocked her out of her thoughts. "Come in" Emily said as she noticed Kim Burgess standing outside her office. 

"Agent Halstead" Burgess said, walking into Emily's office and closing the door behind her. "Do you have a minute?" She asked, Emily nodded and motioned for Burgess to sit down which she did. 

"What can I help you with?" Emily asked, closing the file she had just been reading. 

"I was wondering if there's any advice you could give me about becoming a better police officer" Burgess said, even though Emily didn't have anything against Burgess - she was still a bit wary of her. Voight believed that she was a good cop, which Emily wouldn't dispute. But to Emily, she was a badge bunny. 

"You really want my opinion?" Emily asked. 

"Yes" Burgess returned. 

"Okay. First, I've never been a police officer. Second, to me Kim. You're a badge bunny. So, that needs to stop. And, I'm just going to say something that everyone else wont say. What you did to Adam was a load of shit, and I think you know that was a cruel thing to do" Emily said, Burgess looked taken back at this little rant from Emily, but she stayed to hear it all out. Since she did ask for Emily's opinion. "You've proved that you're just as capable as anyone else in here, so to me. It's just a waiting game. One day, you will be sitting at a desk up here" Emily finished, opening her case file again. 

"Okay, thank you" Burgess said, standing up and starting to leave Emily's office. 

"Hey, Burgess" Emily said, Burgess turned around and looked at her. "Are you busy?" Emily asked. 


"You wanna come on a ride?" Emily asked, Burgess nodded at her. "Get your stuff and meet me down stairs in 5 minutes" Emily said, Burgess smiled before running off to get ready. Emily picked up her gun and back up before walking through the Intelligence squad room. Jay didn't make eye contact with Emily even though she did look directly at him, this tension between the siblings was starting to make everyone else nervous. 

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