Dr Rhodes

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"Dr Rhodes" Maggie shouted, calling the attending doctor to the doors of the emergency room. She checked her watch, waiting for the patient to arrive and knowing she needed the best on this one.

"What's up Maggie?"  Doctor Connor Rhodes asked her, he walked towards her; fixing his stethoscope as he walked.

"Female. 2 minutes out. Brutally beaten by two men. Internal injury's"  Maggie said, after she spoke a sigh left her mouth. Maggie had met Emily a few times before and always regarded her as a lovely young women.

"Why me?" Asked Dr Rhodes, frustration in his voice at the growing amount of patients that he was caring for already during this busy shift. He wondered for a moment who could be this important that Maggie specifically wanted him to care for them.

"The patient is Emily Halstead. Will's sister" Maggie informed him, before anything else could be said Emily was wheeled into the Emergency room.  A paramedic from Ambulance 91 was propped up onto the bed , preforming CPR as she was wheeled towards on of the bays. Dr Rhodes quickly jumped into action, shouting orders at the other doctors and nurses working around him. After two epi's Emily was back, breathing at a steady rate and it was all thanks to Dr Connor Rhodes.

Maggie took this time to call Will and inform him on what had happened. She pulled up his phone number on her iPhone 6 and quickly dialled the number. After two rings, Will answered with his usual 'hello'. Maggie could clearly hear the noise and commotion coming from Molly's through the phone.

"Will, I have something to tell you" Maggie said to him, taking a breath to brace herself for telling him the news. "Your sister has been brought into Med. She's okay, Connor Rhodes is with her right now" Maggie told him. As she finished telling him, she could clearly hear him shouting to Jay. Telling the oldest Halstead sibling that they needed to go.

"We're on our way" Will said, before hanging up the phone and dashing out of Molly's. Both of them trying to get to their sister as quickly as they could. Both of them, wanting to be there when their sister woke up.

Emily woke up a few hours in a lot of pain, the kind of pain that is so strong - there is no real way of describing it. And on top of this, she had a headache. It took her a moment to actually realise that she was lying in a hospital bed. Slowly, Emily pulled herself up into the sitting position - just wanting to get a better look of what was happening around her. At the end of her bed, slept both of her brothers. Will was sat leaning back in a rather uncomfortable looking chair - while Jay slept sitting on another chair, but his body was resting on Emily's bed. It was clear to anyone that looked closely at their faces, that they where worried about her. Even in their sleep they worried. Fighting through the pain, Emily stood herself up and wondered out of the room. With every step Emily had to fight not to scream out.

"Miss Halstead, you really should stay in your bed" Dr Connor Rhodes said to her. It was unknown to Emily who he was, since they had never been formally introduced to each other. She had just heard Will complain about him while they drank. Emily stumbled, but was saved when Connor reached out to her - steadying her in the process.

"At least take me to dinner first before you take me to be doctor" Emily joked, as she laughed there was a pain in her chest that almost crippled her. Connor took most of her weight, keeping her up steady. "But seriously, I'm bored" Emily told him. Connor sat Emily down on a near by chair, before walking over to a wheelchair stand and getting one for her. He helped her into the wheelchair, and finally Emily was able breath without the sharp pain in her chest. But at least this meant that she could roll about, and not have to be stuck in her room. 

"There's some people here to see you" Connor informed her. "I can take you to see them if you want?" Connor asked Emily, instead of talking back to him - Emily just nodded. "I'm Connor Rhodes, by the way" He said, introducing himself formally to her. Holding out his hand for her to shake, something that she did happily. 

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