So your finished being a hard ass?

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As the days rolled on, Jay started to become impatient waiting for his sister to wake up. Will would mostly be in the hospital, when he wasn't sitting at his sisters bedside he was treating other patients. According to Will, he needed to keep busy since just sitting in the waiting room wasn't helping anyone. Severide agreed with this, back at the firehouse the crew was all still worried about Emily. They also kept an eye on Severide, making sure that he was okay - since what was going on was hard on him.Usually, Severide would turn to Emily if something was on his mind. But how was he supposed to talk to anyone now. 

Rossi was consulting with the Intelligence Unit while Emily was in hospital. Hotch had in formed Rossi that he could stay in Chicago for as long as he need to, since everyone on the team knew how close he and Emily are. He had been staying at Emily's flat as Severide had insisted that if Emily found out he hadn't offered the house to him, Severide would be in big trouble. This had made Rossi laugh since he knew that Emily probably would tell Severide off. 

No one was sitting with Emily when she woke up. Jay had fallen asleep, Will was treating a patient. Severide was on his way to a call out while Rossi was organising a raid with Voight. In Chicago Med, Emily jolted awake. Panicked and scared. She wasn't sure what was going on or where she was, all she knew was that she had a pipe down her throat. When Dr Rhodes ran into her room, Emily calmed down a little. Someone that she knew was there. It comforted her. "Emily, I need you to lie down" Dr Rhodes said, as Emily gagged on the pipe. 

She lay down on her bed and tried to control her breathing. Dr Rhodes pulled out the pipe from her throat, this made Emily cough. "How do you feel?" Dr Rhodes asked.

"Like I've been hit by a bus" Emily said, her voice horse from being in asleep for that long. "Can I have a drink?" Emily asked. Dr Rhodes passed her a bottle of water, and Emily downed it in one gulp. "So, what happened?" 

"You were stabbed" Dr Rhodes started. "And you've been in a coma like state for nearly one week" He said, sitting down next to her. "Can someone call Dr Halstead" Dr Rhodes said out loud to one of the nurses. Dr Rhodes sat with Emily until Will came up, he asked the basic questioned. But the first thing he did was hug her. Will hugged his sister so tight that she thought she would stop breathing. Jay was the next in, hugging her and apologising.

"I love you, you know that right?" Jay asked, looking at his sister. 

"So your finished being a hard ass?" Emily asked back, looking at her brother with a smile on her face. These where the moments the siblings lived by, both of them being stubborn always meant that at times they would be at each others throats. But when they made up, it always made them smile. "Where's Kelly?" Emily asked, looking around the room for the man she loved. 

"He's on a call. Boden knows, when he's finished he'll come straight here" Jay said, clutching his sisters hand - as if the moment he let go of her she would disappear from the face of the earth. It was almost two hours after Emily woke up that Severide turned up, by this time Jay and Emily where playing poker on her bed. Just like they did when they where kids. 

"Another win for the injured. Are you letting me win?" Emily asked Jay, who just laughed and shook his head. 

"Hey" A voice said, causing Emily to look up. Severide was standing at her room door with a bunch of flowers in his hand. 

"Look who decided to show up" Emily said, laughing a little as she spoke, she held out her hand to him. Severide practically ran to her, pulling her in for a kiss. Like Jay, he held onto Emily. They spoke for a while, Will would pop in every so often - just checking up on his sister. He would check her vitals and ask how she felt. To be honest, Emily was getting a little sick of it all. She understood that Will was just looking out for her but she needed rest to heal. Not someone checking in with her every five minutes. "Are you okay?" Emily asked Severide. 

"I just missed you" Severide told her, kissing her hand before speaking again "Just the thought of you not waking up freaked me out. So, I got you something for when you woke up" Severide said, standing up and putting his hand in his back pocket. Emily watched as he knelt down on the floor of her hospital room and showed her a ring. An engagement ring.

"Kelly... What are you doing?" Emily asked, not 100% sure what was happening in front of her own two eyes.

 "Emily Halstead, will you marry me?"

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