Are you carrying a gun?

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Emily spent the next 24 hours tucked inside her house, not wanting to leave - since then she would be forced to face reality. Severide not telling her about his sister hadn't annoyed Emily, but it did wonder why he didn't trust her enough with this information. A day and some time stressing herself out later, Emily arrived at the firehouse for her shift. 

Driving up to the Firehouse, Emily was already able to see Severide;s car. The classic she adored. With his car parked in his usual space, Severide had arrived at the firehouse early - hoping that he would arrive before Emily and not have to talk to her about the night at Molly's. As Emily walked into the house, Gabby looked at her friend and smiled. Leaving Emily to smile back at her. If she was honest with herself, Emily was glad that Gabby had thought about throwing her a birthday party. Making her feel like she had really made some sustainable friendships over her short time at the house. 

For a while, Emily wondered around the house. Not really knowing if she should go and talk to Severide, or just avoid him until he was impossible to avoid. Severide on the other hand, had decided that it was time for them to have the conversation they were both trying to avoid. "Halstead, can we talk?" Severide asked from behind Emily - internally she sighed. Knowing that there would be no way to avoid having this conversation now. She turned around to be face to face with Kelly. 

"Of course, Lieutenant" Emily said back to him, trying to act like everything was normal. Severide walked into his office, knowing that Emily would follow him in. While Kelly closed his office blinds, Emily closed the door. Neither of them wanting anyone to know what it was that they where talking about. 

"About the other night..."

"Yeah, listen. I had way too much to drink that night and I sort of remember what I said ... but, what I said. It had no meaning. I was drunk and upset. My birthday is always a hard time for me. I just really hope you didn't actually think it meant anything" Emily said, trying to keep her voice as stable as she could. Inside Emily felt like she was dying, but she knew that Kelly would be better off without her. It would be selfish of her to admit that she really did love him. 

Severide just looked at Emily as she spoke, hoping that she was going to say it again. Giving him the chance to do what he should have done that night. As she finished, Kelly held everything he was feeling in. "Thank god" He laughed, trying to make out as if it was all comical to him. "That makes this conversation so much easier"

"Friends?" Emily asked, feeling her legs starting to shake. There was a pounding in her head as she kept a lid on all of the emotions she was feeling. With every inch of strength, Emily put out her hand for him to shake. Without a second thought, Severide took her hand - shaking it with his own. "Can I go, Lieutenant?" Emily asked, Severide nodded back at her. She moved quickly, just wanting to put some distance between the two. Emily chose not to look back at the office, as she knew that if she turned around now - she wouldn't be able to go through with this whole friends thing. 

 As the day went on, the firehouse was unusually quiet. Emily stayed in the common room while Severide finished everything he needed to do in his office. The two of them trying to keep some distance from each other. Every so often, Gabby and Brett would push Emily about what happened the night of the party - but the topic was something she found easy enough to brush off. The longer the crew of firehouse 51 went without any calls, the longer the day seemed to be going on. "So, Brett. When are you going to let us set you up on a date?" Emily asked.

"I don't think me dating is a good idea at all" Brett told the girls, laughing a little as she spoke. 

"What's so funny?" A voice said, knocking the breath out of Emily's lungs. She turned to see Severide standing over her, a cup of coffee in his hand. 

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