Someone's in trouble

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The next morning, Emily woke up alone. Instead of feeling the calm that she had felt the morning before, she found herself feeling hurt. She wondered if he had left since they had slept together. Wondering she she had fulfilled the purpose that Severide was keeping her around for. After taking a breath,  she rolled over and walked into her kitchen - and as she went to turn on the coffee maker she noticed a note placed on it.  


Don't freak out. I left to go for a run and get ready for our shift.

I'll see you at the house.



As Emily pouted her coffee, a small smile escaped her lips - just knowing that he hadn't ran out on her was comforting. And around an hour later, she was pulling up the the firehouse, the same smile still etched on her face as she got her bag out of the boot of her car.

"Good morning" Emily said, standing in the locker room - hanging up her casual clothes. Severide looked towards her and smiled, knowing full well why Emily was in a good mood. 

"Why are you so happy?" Gabby Dawson asked Emily with a smirk on her face. "Did someone have a good night with Connor Rhodes?" She asked, this question caused Severide's own smile to drop as he closed his locker door and walked away.

"Yeah, I didn't go for a date with Connor" Emily started to tell Gabby. "But I've sort of been seeing someone and I'm just happy for once" Emily said to her. Without thinking, Gabby pulled Emily into a hug. "What's this for?" Emily asked her. 

"It's just that since you have been here I don't think I have seen you truly happy, it's nice" Gabby said to her, smiling. "So, who's the guy?" Gabby asked.

"You are just like your brother" Emily told her friend laughing, she walked into the common room with Gabby following close behind. "Antonio, Erin and Jay came to my house yesterday while he was there" Emily informed her. "They all just wanted to know the identity of my mystery man" When they got into the common room, Severide was standing there making coffee. Emily walked over to him, picking up a mug and asking Severide to pour some coffee in her cup.

"What's going on?" Severide asked her. 

"Gabby wants to know who my mystery man is" Emily said.

"Mystery man?" Severide asked her with a confused look on his face. 

"Yeah, my mystery man" Emily asked, nodding at him - it took Severide a moment but once he clicked on, he nodded back at her. 

"I like being the topic of conversation" He said, smirking at her. "How about we go to my office?" He asked with a wink.

"Of course Lieutenant" Emily said, smiling at him. Severide walked out of the common room first, trying not to attract the attention from anyone else in the crew. Emily went to follow him out only to be caught by Gabby, just before she could leave the room. 

"And where are you going?" Gabby asked Emily, raising her eyebrow as she spoke. 

"I'm going to talk to Severide" Emily told her, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 

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