It's addressed to Speedy

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"What do you want to drink?" Tommy asked Emily as they sat in their local bar together. The two of them celebrating their 2 year anniversary. Something which neither of them ever expected to be celebrating, mostly because they hadn't really liked each other when they where introduced. Tommy worked in a Bank, and that may have been the reason their relationship worked. He was the stable force in her life.

"I'll have whatever your having" Emily replied, smiling at him. She watched as she walked from their table and over to the bar. It was like she was entranced in him, breathing him in as if every second together was their last second. A few moments later, Tommy arrived back with drinks in hand.

Their table was located in the middle of the bar, meaning people where stood either side of them. Most dancing. Some just talking. Tommy held on the the pairs drinks, taking sips of both. Emily laughed for a moment, taking her eyes off him. When she finally stopped laughing, Emily took her drink from him - taking a sip. Tommy joined her as they said a quick toast before having another sip. Around 10 minutes later, Emily started to notice something happening.

Tommy started to slur his words. Before she could react Tommy had fallen from his chair. Emily rushed over to him as quickly as she could, screaming his name. She screamed for help. But none came. The people beside her looked down at the situation going on around them, before going back to whatever it was they where doing. Leaving Emily alone.

She dragged him out of the bar by his arms, hoping that the fresh air would somehow help him. As she pulled him out onto the street, she called for an ambulance. It took 13 minutes for the ambulance to arrive. And in that time, Tommy's heart had stopped beating. The next thing Emily could remember was sitting in the hospital waiting room, and a doctor walked into the room - looking for the girlfriend of Thomas Issac Rivers.

"I'm sorry to be the one who has to tell you this, but Thomas Rivers died 10 minutes ago"

Emily sat up in her bunk abruptly, taking a sharp breath in. Herrman had heard the commotion coming from Emily's bed, and slowly walked over towards her. Making sure not to wake anyone else up. When he reached Emily's bed, she looked up at him. Not to sure what to say. Herrman could see the tears in her eyes, so he pulled her into a hug. Hoping to comfort her. "Are you okay?" Herrman asked, as he held onto Emily.

Emily took a breath, wanting to stay in control of her emotions. "I'm okay" She finally said, letting out a shaky breath as she spoke. Herrman watched her as she started to calm down, the only thought going through his head being that she reminded him of a child. The firefighter sat with Emily for a while, just wanting to make sure she was okay. Herrman must have sat with her for almost an hour before Emily told her she was okay, and that she should go back to sleep. "Thank you" Emily whispered as Herrman walked back to his bunk.

Emily wasn't sure that he had heard her, but he had. He had just decided not to reply to her.

Emily wanted to be the one who informed Tommy's family about his death. She knew that Tommy would have wanted it to be her. He would have wanted her to sit across from his mother and comforting her as she cried over the loss of her child. Emily did this, she stayed by Mrs Rivers side while she cried.

On the day of Tommy's funeral, Emily kept it together. She stood next to Oliver Queen, Tommy's best friend. The two held onto each others hands for comfort, and kept it together for everyone around them. Hotch and the rest of the team from the BAU stood behind everyone else. Not wanting to attract any attention, but they still all wanted to be there for their team mate. Especially Hotch, who understood what it was like to lose someone you loved under these circumstances.

At the end of the funeral, Hotch came over to Emily and Tommy's family. Telling them that the team would find out who did this, which they did almost 3 days later.

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