What year is it?

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Previously in Conquering Chicago

"Emily. Your in Chicago Med. Your where abducted and tortured" Dr Rhodes said, trying to explain to her what had happened.

"What do you mean?"

"You where in a car accident, then abducted" Severide said, hoping that his voice would help her remember.

"I'm sorry. Who are you?" 

"Emily is suffering from post-traumatic Amnesia. Her mind is protecting it's self from whatever happened to her in that room" Dr Rhodes told everyone who was waiting for Emily to wake up. Jay and Will looked at each other for a moment, before Will asked the question he and Jay both wanted to know the answer to. 

"How much memory has she lost?" Will asked. 

"She said something about 'The Reaper'" Dr Rhodes said, not really knowing when whatever this incident was had taken place. 

"A serial killer that went by the name The Reaper, pushed her and Morgan through a window in 2008" Hotch said, speaking up about the incident that led up to the death of his wife Hayley. Dr Rhodes nodded at the new information he was being given before jotting it down on the file of Emily's that he was holding in his hand. He started to wonder when he should speak to Emily about her test results. Since she wasn't herself, this wasn't something that she needed to know straight away. In his opinion, telling her would only cause her more confusion and pain. 

"Can we see her?" Jay asked. Dr Rhodes looked between the brothers before nodding and allowing them to see their sister. 

"How are you feeling?" Jay asked as he walked through the doors of Emily's hospital room. While this felt normal for Jay, Emily was confused. From what she could remember, she hadn't spoken to her brother in a long time. So, him showing up in her hospital room was strange. She did find that she was glad her brother had come to see her, she was in pain. She needed her brother there. 

"I'm tired and sore. Other than that I'm okay" Emily told him, watching closely as Jay sat down in the chair next to her bed. For a brief moment, Emily couldn't help but think about the man who had been sitting there when she woke up. Closing her eyes for a second, she pushed that thought to the back of her mind. 

"Em, your suffering from post-traumatic amnesia" Will said to his sister, moving from the door of her room and stepping closer to her bed. He took his sisters hand in his, hoping to calm her down. "You're going to be okay. We're going to help you recover your lost memories" He said, making Emily think for a moment. She didn't feel like she had lost any memories. Emily could remember playing Texas Hold'em with Reid and Rossi on their way back from their previous case. If asked, there was a good chance she would be able to remember the exact cards they had held. She wondered for a moment how she could remember so much, yet not remember so much. 

"What year is it?" Emily asked. 

"It's 2017" 

The words that Emily had said echoed in Kelly Severide's head. Over and over again. He wanted her to remember, with every fiber of his being. He wanted her to remember him. Severide didn't feel welcome in the hospital. She had a lot of people waiting for her. people she remembered. So, instead of hanging around - Kelly went to her house. Using the key she had given him a while ago, he opened the front door. 

For a while he sat on the couch, looking around at the room. While he sat, he thought about everything that had happened in this house. Their first kiss. The nights they spent together just talking and watching rubbish films. Those times they just sat in a comfortable silence with Emily's head on his chest after a bad day. 

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