I can't, I have a date

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The factory was engulfed in flames, ones that seemed to reach upto the heavens - for once, everyone was scared of the fire. Severide looked around at the crew of Squad 3, nodding towards everyone. He knew that his crew was capable of dealing with this, but he wanted to make sure they knew what they where getting themselves in for. Emily was ready to tackle this fire.

"Halstead, you're with me. We'll be doing sweep the third floor. Cap, Cruz sweep of the second floor" Severide shouted as they all got out of the Squad, all of them suited up and ready to do what they came to. Everyone entered the burning building together, before going their separate ways. The two Squad members made their way to the third floor, never being more than two feet away from each other. "Close" Severide said, reaching out and grabbing onto Emily's arm. 

"Fire Department , call out" Emily and Severide shouted, taking turns so not to shout over each other. As they walked into the second to last room they needed to search on the third floor, they could both hear a whistling sound. Something that caused them to look between each other. "Do you hear that?" Emily asked, wanting to know if she was going a little crazy - or if there was actually something else going on. Severide listened for another moment before speaking back to her. 

"Gas" Severide said, looking towards Emily. "Get down" He said, and before they knew it - there was an explosion over them. It took a few seconds for them to be knocked unconscious, but in those last few moments the two reached out towards each other. Holding onto each other hands, holding as tightly as they could before they passed out. 

The next thing that Emily could remember was waking up in Chicago Med, a place she had come to know ever so well. Dr Connor Rhodes was standing by the side of her bed when she woke up. She looked at him for a moment, trying to regain focus with her eyes. "Another visit" He said, laughing a little as he spoke. "I'm starting to think that you miss me" Dr Rhodes continued, making himself laugh a little bit. 

"Yes, that is the only reason that I put myself in life or death situations" Emily said, returning his laugh. "How's Severide?" She asked, noticing that he hadn't mentioned him. Usually this would mean that there was bad news, a death maybe. 

"He's fine. Oxygen mask stayed intact and he's already being discharged" Dr Rhodes told Emily. This caused her to smile a little, glad that he had survived the blast. 

"Good" Emily said, smiling up at her Doctor. "So, since you have saved my life twice - I feel like I owe you a beer" Emily said to him. Ever since the first time Emily had been in the hospital, she and Connor had become close friends. He had even come over to check on her with Will one night, finding himself staying for a drink a little later. 

"That sounds good. Since I don't like drinking on an empty stomach, how about I take you to dinner first then Em?" Connor asked, smiling at his friend. Even though Emily knew that he was only asking her as a friend, she still had to think about her answer for a moment. Knowing that if Severide found out about this, he would probably think that Emily had moved on. And after thinking about that, she realised that maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea. 

"Yeah, I'd like that" Emily replied to him, smiling as she did so. 

"Just let me know when you're free" He said to her, smiling. She nodded back to him, before Connor could speak again - Severide wandered into Emily's hospital room. He looked between Emily and Connor Rhodes before saying anything. 

"Hey" Severide said, still looking between the two friends. 

"I'll see you tomorrow" Dr Rhodes said to Emily. "Some of us have operations to do" He said laughing as he walked away. Emily couldn't help but smile at the way Connor was acting, the two knew that they where going out as friends. And as friends only. But still he wanted to wind Kelly up, something that Emily liked about him. 

"So, we need to talk" Severide said as he closed the door behind him. "When I said that you only kissed me because I closed the door for us, I didn't mean it. I like you and I know you like me" He continued.

"Severide, I don't know why I kissed you but I don't want to be with you like that. We're great friends and I don't want to ruin that" Emily told him. "Now, I need to go home" Emily said to him, getting up off her bed and picking up the bag near the end of her bed - filled with her off duty clothes. 

"So, do you fancy a friendly drink tomorrow night?" Severide asked her.

"I can't, I have a date" Emily told him, knowing that she was stretching the truth. She was aware that whatever it was that was going on with them, needed to end. And to Emily, this seemed like it was the only way to stop it. 

"Oh" Severide said back to her, obviously taken back by her announcement of having a date. "I need to go, I'll see you later" Severide told her, walking swiftly out of her hospital room. A few minutes later, Emily followed. Grabbing the bag that was left for her and wandering out into the main floor of the ED.

"Emily!" A voice shouted over the noise of the ED to her, when she turned she noticed Will walking towards her - holding a pair of car keys in his hands. "Gabby Dawson dropped these off for you" He said, passing the keys over to her. Emily quickly thanked him, placing the keys in her back pocket.

"Do you want to grab a drink later? We can get Jay to come to and have a real Halstead drink" Emily asked, wanting to spend some time with her brothers. All of the Halstead siblings would agree that it had been too long since they had all gotten together for a drink. 

"That sounds really nice, Em" Will said, before turning to look at the scene unfolding behind him. "Meet you at Molly's?" He asked, starting to walk back to his patients. Emily nodded after him, on her way to her car - Emily sent Jay a text, telling him that all the siblings where having a drink tonight. By the time Emily had been able to find her car, Jay had already relied to her and agreed on going to the bar. 

Her car ride home was quiet, as she took her time getting back. As Emily went to pull up outside her house, she noticed an SUV that she didn't recognise sitting across the road. She started to worry that this was another attack coming, so with quick thinking - Emily drove past the car. Hoping the get a look at the driver. A male with blonde hair was sat in the front seat, and as she drove past - she and the driver made eye contact. 

Knowing that there was no threat to her, Emily parked her car and walked over to the other SUV in her street. She knocked three times on the car window, making the drive look at her in shock - before he lowered the window. "Jace" Emily said, not really believing that he was sitting in front of her. While the two had ended on good terms, but they hadn't seen each other for almost 2 years. This didn't stop Jace smiling at her, and getting out of his car to give her a hug. 

"Jesus, Em. I've missed you" He said to her, continuing the hug. As they hugged, all the memories that they had shared over their time together came flooding back to Emily. All the lazy Sunday mornings they spent together, just sitting in their apartment and watching football. Those where the happiest times of Emily's life. 

"I've missed you too. But, Jace - what are you doing here? What are you doing in Chicago?" She asked, releasing him from the hug they had been sharing and looking straight at him. It was at that moment she noticed the fresh blood on his face, and the bruises that seemed to be framing his face. Mostly around his eyes and jaw line. "What happened to you?" Emily asked, moving his face so she could get a better look at the cuts and bruises. 

"Can we talk somewhere safe?" Jace asked, not wanting to talk about what was going in out in the street. Emily nodded at him, motioning for him to get in her car. "Why not your place?" Jace asked her, even though he was following her towards her car and getting in without a second thought. 

"I was attacked in my house a few weeks ago. I did search for bugs, but I don't want to chance it" Emily said, starting her car up before making her way to Will's apartment. Knowing that it would be a safe place. 

So, I've changed a little bit here. 

Jace isn't an ex boyfriend. 

He's another Agent she worked with closely.

Someone who she trusts. 

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