Here comes the reckoning

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By the time Emily had turned 25, she had accomplished a lot in her life. She had been accepted into the FBI and was now working within the BAU. What was unknown to most of her team, Emily was also taking a night class. Studying Law. With an idea that she would get a Law Degree and be able to move between roles. Her brothers, weren't to happy about her decision to say in Washington DC permanently. But Emily knew that she needed to do what was best for her, and at that moment in time- staying in Washington was what she needed to do. 

It was only at Christmas that Emily returned back to Chicago, making sure that she would spend time with them. At Christmas, the siblings would spend a few hours together - laughing and joking about the old days. It was times like this that Emily realised just how much she missed being with them. "Do you remember when Will got into baseball and ended up in hospital after taking a bat to the face?" Emily laughed, remembering some childhood memories that Will had hoped she would have forgotten over the years. 

"Wasn't it his bat that hit him?" Jay questioned, joining in the laughter. Will looked between his siblings, not to impressed that they were still laughing at him - but they couldn't help it. Out of the three of them, Will had always been the one to be the butt of the joke. Something which he was used to, but that still didn't mean he liked it at all. "Come on Will, you know that if had been someone else's bat - we would have taken care of it" Jay said to his brother, and Will knew that he was right. If anyone had hurt him, his two siblings would have put an end to it. Something, if they cared to admit it, they had done before. 

"I know" Will said, smiling back at his siblings. The three of them sat in Jay's apartment, all drinking beers. While her brothers had drank almost 6 bottles each, Emily was still on her third. Meaning that, out of all of them - she was the most likely to remember what was said the next morning. "How long are you at home for?" Will asked his sister, trying to change the subject from his siblings violence. 

"I'm driving back to Washington tomorrow morning" Emily said, sighing as she spoke - especially as she knew that this was going to end badly. She watched as Jay and Will's expression turned from ones of happiness to ones of anger and sadness. "I know, it's soon ..." Emily started, only to be cut off by Jay. 

"Soon? Em, your leaving tomorrow morning. Boxing day. You only got here two days ago and now you're off again" Jay said, looking between his sister and his brother. "Aren't we worth a whole week?" Jay asked, starting to lose his patients with her. Usually, Emily would hope that Will would get involved in this. But this time, he was just as angry as his brother. 

"It's my job, Jay. I have responsibilities" Emily said, starting to argue back. "If I could, I'd stay here with you. But I can't. I can't" She continued, before getting cut off by Jay.

"It's hard for us, Emily. You don't know that it's like not knowing if your sibling is alive. We don't hear from you for months, and then you do this. You come here for three days, then you leave" Will said, agreeing with his brother. He watched as Emily just looked at them. 

"You know what, I dont have to put up with this. I'm going" Emily said, picking up her bag and walking towards the front door. Both Jay and Will watched Emily walking away from them, and this annoyed them more than anything. To them it always seemed like she was ready to leave their lives when she became tired or bored. But, Emily would argue the reason. She never wanted to go back to Washington, but she knew that she had too. There were people that depended on her. People that would most probably die without her there to help. 

"If you leave now, don't bother coming back" Jay shouted to his sister. She turned around for a second and looked between both Jay and Will, before saying a quick goodbye and leaving. After this exchange, Emily didn't speak to Will for two years, and Jay for four. 

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