Move and I shoot

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There was a sense of relief when the shift ended, everyone wondered to the locker room and either changed or just picked up their overnight bags. Severide waited for Emily outside the locker room, not wanting to rush her - then a few minutes later they where standing by Kelly's car and putting their bags in the boot. There was no conversation for the first few minutes of the drive, it wasn't until Severide started to fake cough that Emily spoke. 

"Is there something you want to talk about Kelly?" Emily asked, acting like his fake coughing was the most subtle thing in the world - this sudden coughing fit. She watched as his facial expression changed while he thought of what to say next.

"Now that you've brought it up, there is something I'd like to talk about" Severide started, never looking away from the road in front of him. "What's all this I hear about you working with Voight?" Kelly asked her, the judgement was clear in his voice. To Emily, it sounded like he was starting to wonder if he could trust Emily - as to him, getting to close to Hank Voight meant that you could be just like him. 

"I was giving the Intelligence unit some information about a case that they are working on. I've looked into their suspect before, so I thought I'd help out" Emily explained to Kelly. The thing that started to annoy Emily was the fact that Kelly didn't seem to be believing what Emily was telling him, so instead of talking anymore - she just stopped.

"Just please, make sure you don't get dragged into Voight's world" Severide said to her, as they pulled up outside the house. When the car stopped, Emily turned to Severide looking at him straight in the eyes.

"I'm not going to get dragged into that world" Emily told Severide, as he looked at her - the feeling that he may have over reacted came over him, causing him to laugh a little. "See you at Molly's?" Emily asked, and as a reply so got a nod. "Laters" She said, getting out of the car and picking up her go bag from the boot. Instead of going over the road to his house, Severide drove away - and from what Emily could tell, he was driving towards to docks. Severide had decided that he wanted to go to the docks, just to have some time to himself - something which he felt like he was missing. Emily wondered into her house, throwing her go bag on the floor. As she did, she noticed an old photograph of herself and her brothers. It was sitting on the floor of the living room, and Emily knew for a fact that she didn't leave it there. Straight away, Emily moved to grab her gun, the same gun that had kept her alive in the many years she was an FBI Agent. But before she got to it, she was greeted with the barrel of a gun being placed on her head. 

"Move and I shoot" A voice echoed from behind me. Instinctively I slowly raised my hands to show that I wasn't going to do anything. "Sit over there" The voice commanded me, I walked over to my couch and took a seat. That's when I saw that it wasn't just one man in my house but two men. 

"Move and I shoot" A voice said, it seemed like the voice echoed throughout the house - but Emily could still hear the voice clearly. Slowly, Emily raised her and above her head - in this way she was showing that she was unarmed and wasn't going to do anything. "Sit over there" The voice commanded her. Emily knew that 

"What do you want?" Emily asked, even before asking the question she knew what they would want. There was no way it was a coincidence that the same day that Derek Morgan sent Emily a file on Ian Donovan that she was now being held at gun point. She knew that they had come for the file. Not wanting the Intelligence Unit to have anymore information. 

"Where'e the file?" One of the men said, Emily turned to look at him - noticing the dark hair that his mask wasn't covering, she internally made a note. If they made it out of her house, there was no way she wanted to forget any details about them. A small laugh left her mouth, telling the dark haired man that there was no way she was going to give up the location of the file. So, he punched her. Straight on the jaw.

"I haven't got it" Emily told him. This statement earned Emily another punch to the jaw. The moment after he punched her, Emily turned her head and spat some blood out onto the floor. Her dark haired capture grabbed onto her face, forcing her head to turn back towards him. "I told you, I haven't got the file" Emily shouted.

"Where is it then?" The dark haired man asked her, still holding onto her face.  

"It's in a safe place" Emily replied, even though they both knew that she wouldn't tell him where the case file was even if she knew. She wouldn't betray her people like that. Ever. So, instead - she was going to give him an answer that would anger him. 

"Where?" The dark haired man shouted at her, this caused Emily to laugh. Seeing that she was laughing angered him, causing him to punch her again. Emily hissed as the pain from this punch to the face seemed to go through her whole body.

"Wow, you really think I would give up the location of the file. Why would I do that? Why the hell would I help you keep this psycho on the streets? Unlike you, I'm not crazy" Emily said laughing again. The dark haired man took out his phone and looked at Emily, keeping his crazy smile on his face. She watched as he pulled up a photo on the phone. He showed her a photograph of her brothers, both of them sitting in Molly's - just talking. "Leave them out of this" Emily shouted, using her strength to stand up and take a few steps towards her captures. "You think I'm going to let you hurt my brothers" Emily shouted, but she wasn't strong enough. The light haired man grabbed her before throwing her down on the floor, punching and kicking her until she was on the verge of passing out from the pain that she was enduring. 

"Maybe it's time to leach you a lesson" One of the men said to her, grabbing her hair and pulling her head up so she was looking at him. "I wonder how long it would take to chop up both of your brothers?" He questioned. In a split second, Emily became enraged. And using her last few ounces of strength, she stood up and started moving. The light haired man grabbed onto her arm but in one swift movement, she was able to pulling him closer to her and snap his neck. As his body dropped to the floor, the dark haired man laughed at her. 

"You may be strong" He said to her. "But I'm stronger" He continued, walking towards Emily and throwing a punch. The punch hit her and knocked her off balance. But she was able to regain her balance, and throw a punch that broke his nose. Before the dark haired man got a chance to regain his composure, Emily spun him around and snapped his neck. Leaving him on the floor in the same way she had left his partner. At this, Emily dropped to her knees. Her chest was burning and she could hardly breath. She could feel that she was fading and with whatever strength she had left, she called 911. When the phone was answered, there were only two words that Emily was able to say before she blacked out completely. 

"Help me" Were those words. 

Hey guys, 

I'm updating another 5 tonight as something has been brought to my attention that I'd like to comment on. 

I've heard that another writer (I'm not to sure on any names) believes that I've been stealing content from their book. 

I'd like to set the record straight and say that I have never copied anyone else's books. Everything that I have written is either out of personal experience or something I've sat down and just started writing. There aren't many Fire/PD/Med stories that I read, and those writers who's stories I do read know me. And I'd like to think they'd know I would never copy a story from someone. 

If the writer who does believe that I have copied their story would like to send me a message on the subject - I'd be more than happy to have a conversation with you.  

Thank you.

P.S. If the writer comments, please do not send any horrible comments to them. I don't want anyone being treated unfairly over this misunderstanding. 

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