It's no pancake

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When Emily woke up the next morning, Severide had wrapped his arms around her during the night - leaving his face nestled in her blonde hair. It took her a few minutes but Emily was able to successfully get out of Severide's arms and get up out of the bed. She stole a look at the clock on her bedside table and noticed that it was 6 o'clock. After one last look at Severide, before Emily walked down the stairs and into the kitchen to make breakfast. Around 5 minutes later, while Emily was in the middle of cooking breakfast - she heard a noise from behind her. When she turned around she caught sight of Severide standing by the kitchen door, leaning on the door frame watching her as she cooked. 

"Hey" Emily said to him. "Did you sleep okay?" She asked, turning back towards the stove and carrying on cooking breakfast for the both of them. 

"I slept fine, yeah" Severide said back to her, walking closer to her so he could peer over her shoulder, wanting to know what it was she was cooking for them. "Pancakes?" Severide questioned, his mind already starting to cast back to a few years ago. 

"Yeah, why? Do you not like pancakes?" Emily asked, hoping that she hadn't made the batter just for Severide to tell her that he didn't like them or something. 

"No, it's all good. I like them. It's just ... I haven't had pancakes in a while. They were something my old roommate used to make" Severide said, not being able to make eye contact with Emily as he spoke. 

"Where is your roommate now?" Emily asked, wanting to know if the two had fallen out over something. 

"She died. She was a paramedic for 51" Severide announced, catching Emily off guard. This was the first time she had eve heard anything about a member of the firehouse dying, just by the look on his face - she could tell that she didn't die under natural circumstances. 

"What was her name?" She asked him, wanting to know everything about this woman.

"Leslie Shay" He said with a smile on his face as he said her name. This made me smile as he spoke. "She was my best friend. We probably would have been together if she wasn't a lesbian" He laughed. 

"I would have loved to meet her" Emily said smiling, watching as Severide smiled at her at the thought of both girls meeting. "How about you tell me all about her over pancakes" She said, pulling plates from her cupboards and placing them beside her. 

"You really don't have to listen to me go on about Shay" Severide told Emily, not wanting to burden her with the memories of his best friend. At the same time, Emily had started to cook the pancake batter.

"I know I don't have to listen, but I want to" Emily told him, flipping the pancake she was cooking it the pan - making sure it was cooked on both sides. "I really do appreciate you being here for me, especially last night" She told him. A little bit later, the two found themselves sitting around Emily's kitchen table, talking about Shay. Severide told Emily all about what the two friends would get up to, making sure to tell her that the friends had always been there for each other. Something with Severide was proud of. He was proud just knowing that Shay trusted him, and that he had never truly let her down. "Lunch at 12?" Emily asked Severide, as he started to get ready for his shift - after finishing his breakfast.

"That sounds great. I'll tell everyone you're coming" Severide said to her, with a smile planted on his face. "Oh, I've been meaning to ask you. Where is your car?" He questioned, looking around to see if she even had car keys anymore. 

"It's in the shop, I wanted the paintwork redoing" Emily told him, laughing at the small detail that she believed was wrong with her car. 

"Why don't you take my car and I'll get a lift with Casey and Dawson this morning" Severide said, taking his car keys out of his coat pocket and tossing them over to Emily, "I'll see you later" He said, pulling Emily into a hug before he left. 

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