Jay, I am not sleeping with Ruzek

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Emily continued to sit on her couch, she had just gotten out of her fridge. Her thoughts where mostly focused on what she was missing now she had left the FBI, and what had happened over the last few weeks. After everything that had happened, there was nothing Emily would change. Even what had happened with Severide, was something that Emily was sure she had to do - especially since everything felt like it was becoming complicated. There was a loud knock on her front door that knocked her out of her train of thought. Sighing, Emily stood up and walked towards the door, when she opened it - Kelly Severide was standing in front of her. 

"You can't say all of those things and then just walk away" Severide said to her, walking into her house without being invited in. Emily just closed the door behind him, not in the mood to argue. She turned to face him, only for him to cut her off just as she went to talk. "How can you do that?" Severide asked her. 

"Do what?" Emily asked him, becoming confused with what it was he was talking about. One thing she was sure about, was how annoyed she was becoming at the way he was talking to her. 

"You kissed me, then you acted like it was nothing. Why? I don't understand. If we both have feelings for each other what is stopping us from being together? And don't tell me it is because of your past. We both know it's something else" He questioned, just wanting a straight answer from her for once. 

"You save people. All your life that's all you've ever wanted to do. I'm a killer, Kelly. In less than a month, I've killed two people. Right where you're standing, that's where I killed them. You need to know that when I was an Agent, I killed people. Can you really look me in the eyes, and say that you want to be with someone who has killed before? Is that really want you want?" Emily shouted. 

"That's what this is about?" He questioned.

"That and the fact that your my Lieutenant, the only way it would work would be if one of us transferred off Squad and neither of us would do that" She stated. 

"Did we have that discussion?" Severide questioned.

"Are you really saying that you would consider leaving Squad just for us to be together?" Emily asked, wanting to know if he was serious about leaving Squad. 

"Yes" He stated outright. "I like you and I know that we would have a future together if we tried. I would be willing to quit if it meant we could be together" He said. "Emily" He started to say, but before he could finish Emily had attached her lips to his. Severide's arms snaked around Emily's waist, just wanting her to be closer to him. His tongue grazed her bottom lip asking for entrance something that Emily happily gave him. When they both separated from their kiss, both of them were breathing heavily. But still, they had smiles on their faces. 

"I do like you, but I'm not wanting you to leave Squad. Can we just keep this between us?" Emily asked, knowing that this was a request that Kelly might not want to keep. But one that he probably would anyway. 

"You don't want anyone to know about us?" Severide questioned, wondering if he had heard her correctly. A part of him was offended by this statement, but the other part if him knew that Emily wasn't meaning to offend him. 

"It's not that I'm ashamed or anything but I don't want anyone to know about us until we are sure about it ourselves" Emily started. "I don't want anyone else to get involved in this" She said, taking Severide's hands into her own. 

"Okay" Severide said, agreeing to her terms. Severide pulled Emily in for a kiss, one which she happily returned. When they parted, lust was clear in both of their eyes - he pulled her in for another kiss, causing Emily to jump up and wrap he legs around Severide's waist. That night the two slept together, sharing their minds with each other. Leaving both of them feeling like they knew everything about the other.

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