I want to join Intelligence

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Kelly and Emily had spent the whole day together. Most of the day they had spent sitting on her couch watching their favourite childhood movies. 101 Datmatians was one that shocked Emily, she had never thought of Severide as a Disney movie fan. Severide had left her house around 5 pm, telling Emily that he would meet her at Molly's for a drink a little later.

As Emily walked into Molly's, she noticed Gabby standing behind the bar - severing a customer, so she wondered over to her. Just as she got closer to the woman who was quickly becoming her new best friend, she noticed Kelly Severide. He seemed to be in deep conversation with a woman that Emily didn't know. She watched for a moment as Severide seemed to flirt with this girl. For a moment, she could have sworn that her heart had stopped beating in her chest. Connor Rhodes was the one that knocked Emily out of her trance, by asking her if she was okay. 

"You okay?" Connor asked her for the second time, a confused look on his face as he spoke to his friend. Emily quickly looked away from the scene in front of her. Not wanting Connor to be under the impression that she was bothered by what she saw. Instead she looked up at him and nodded. "What are you drinking?" He asked her, already starting to place his order at the bar. 

"Just a beer please" Emily said to him. Smiling at him as he placed the bottle in front of her. "Hey, I'm sorry that I had to cancel our drink the other night. I had to help my brother out with something" She said, not wanting to tell him the details of what she had been doing that night. 

"Can I ask you a question?"

"That depends on what the question is" Emily said, looking at her friend. 

"Do you think relationships can work if two people work together?" Connor asked. Leaving Emily to think for a moment. 

"Yes, but it can depend on the people. I mean, look at Jay and Erin. Even Gabby and Matt. They work together everyday and they are together. It's a lot of work, but it can be done. Why?" She asked. 

"Just wondering" He said.

"Could this have anything to do with a new doctor maybe?" Emily asked, raising an eyebrow at him. Connor moved in his seat, putting his hand on the back of his neck and nodding at her. 

"We went out for dinner a few nights ago, and now she won't talk to me outside of work" Connor told her. Moving just enough for her to see Severide standing there, still talking to that same woman. It was only when he pulled her in for a hug that Emily was able to clearly see her face. And in that moment, Emily believed that she knew why Connors new love interest was now starting to ignore him.

"It could be because she seems to be pretty comfortable with Severide" Emily told Connor, pointing towards that scent in front of her. The two watched as they laughed and seemed to get closer and closer together. Before anything else could happen between the two of them, Emily got up and started to walk home. By the time she finally got home, it was almost midnight and she was already aware that she was on shift the next morning. She lay down in her bed and closed her eyes, from downstairs she heard a knock on the front door. Straight away she knew it was Kelly. 

Most nights he would come over to her house to sleep. And it was rare that they did anything else other than sleep. The two would just lay next to each other, and fall asleep listening to the other breathing. Figuring that Emily was already sleeping,  Kelly wondered back over to his apartment. Not wanting to wake her up. Without thinking, Emily got up out of her bed and picked up her phone - calling Jay. After three rings he answered. 

"Em?" He stated, but sounded more like a question. "What do you want?" Jay asked her. It was clear that he was annoyed at the fact his sister had woken him up in the middle of the night. 

"I want to join Intelligence" She told him.

"Are you sure?" Jay asked.

"I think so" She told him "Can I have a trail run?" Emily asked him.

"Sure" He told her" How about Wednesday?"

"That's fine, I'll get off shift at 8 am Wednesday. So is it okay if I get in about 9?"She asked, wanting to make sure that this time would be okay.

"Yeah" Jay said, the 'h' was elongated as Jay yawned.

"Good night Jay" Emily said as she hung up the phone and fell straight to sleep. 

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