He didn't tell you, did he?

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"Emily.. over here"  Oliver shouted to the young FBI Agent as she walked through a local bar. The two had been friends for years, and after a lot of persuading on Oliver's side - he had finally convinced Emily to meet one of his close friends. Tommy Rivers. Oliver knew that his two friends would get on like a house on fire, making him more determined to get them together. 

Oliver and Emily had always been close, and the death of Tommy Rivers - pushed them even closer. The two where on somewhat on the same wave length. Anyone that spent some time with them knew this. One thing they liked to do together, was putting up the Christmas tree. It had become a tradition. Since it was December, putting the tree up together felt right. It was clear to Oliver that Emily had no intention to even put a Christmas tree up, so really - she was only doing it because he was there. 

"Do you remember that year when we put Tommy's tree up for him?" Oliver asked, hoping that just talking about Tommy would lower the walls that Emily had up. From the moment he saw he in the firehouse, something felt off. It was as if for some reason, Emily was feeling guilty. 

"Oh god, yes. He was so annoyed" Emily said, thinking back to that night. She and Oliver had bought a tree and just turned up to Tommy's while he was working. Meaning that the two friends had the whole day to put up the tree and decorate his whole apartment. When he arrived home, Tommy wasn't impressed to see his hall draped in lights and tinsel. "I'm still surprised with our lives" She laughed. Oliver watched as Emily stopped what she was doing and looked to the floor as she talked about Tommy. 

"Okay, what's going on?" Oliver asked. 


"Whatever this guilt thing is that you have going on? Tell me whatever it is" Oliver demanded, placing the box of Christmas ornaments on the small coffee table near the tree. Emily took a seat on the couch, allowing Oliver to sit down next to her. She thought for a moment, not to sure what to say. So, Oliver started for her. "It's okay you know. You're allowed to fall of someone else. Tommy would want you too" 

"It still doesn't feel right" Emily whispered, not wanting anyone - especially Oliver, to know that she had started to develop deep feelings for someone else. "I mean, Tommy died. He died, on my birthday. I remember him finally asking me to be his girlfriend, at that bar. On my birthday. It was so romantic. And then, two years to the day - he died. If I move on, it's like I'm forgetting him" Emily confessed, tears rolling down her eyes. 

Oliver moved closer to her, placing one arm around her and pulling her closer to him. "Tommy loved you. You know that. Everyone knows that. He would want you to be happy. No matter what" Oliver said to her, kissing her on the top of the head - just hoping that he would get through to her. 

The two stayed in the same position for a while, just thinking. Oliver was the one that stood up first, walking towards his bag. Emily watched as he rooted in it for a while before pulling out a wallet and walking back to where Emily was sat. She watched as he opened the wallet, allowing her to look in. "I took this from Tommy's stuff that night at the hospital. I wasn't leaving without it" He said, rooting in the wallet. "I've never moved anything since that night, but there is something you should probably see" Oliver told her, pulling out an old photo.

A photo that reminded Emily of happier times. Tommy and Emily were sitting together, smiling as they spoke. She couldn't remember what it was they were talking about, or who had even taken the photo. But she could remember feeling pure joy. "You should have it" Oliver said to her, passing the photo to her. Emily stood up, placing the photo on top of her fireplace. Making sure that she would always be able to see it. "Now, lets finish that tree" He said, winking as the friends walked back over towards the tree. Both of them smiling as they finished it. 

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