two friends is enough

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Anthony's Pov:

About after two seconds of Kalel's Phone ringing she picked up.

"Hey sorry can't talk right now my family's watching a movie can we just text?" Kalel asked.

"Uhh ya sure." I replied.

I entered her name into my phone and she began to text.

Kalel Kitten:

Hey, Anthony right?


Yeah it I'm Anthony.

Kalel Kitten:

Well hi, what's up???


I was wondering if maybe we could hang out tomorrow maybe go to Starbucks?

Kalel Kitten:



Bye! =D

I put my phone on my desk and ran downstairs. Of course Ian and his Mom were there.

"Mom I told you not to get involved!" I screamed.

"You and Ian used to be best friends why can't you be friends again!?!?" My Mom shouted.

"He said he was going to beat me up!" I yelled.

"I can... change? I mean I don't have a six pack so no one will remember I was super popular!"

I rolled my eyes. Ian change! Ha! Kalel probably wouldn't talk to me if Ian and I were friends. I stared daggers at Ian so he got up with his Mom and left. I looked at my Mom and ran up to my room. Tomorrow is going to suck!

The Next Day,

Kalel's Pov:

I decided I wanted to walk to school today. I threw my hair into a black beanie to match my black tank top. I wore baby blue jean shorts and bright green converse. I looked normal so I would blend in. I walked about two blocks and I saw Anthony walking out of a house. I waved to him and he ran over to me.

"Hey Kalel how's it going?" Anthony said.

"Great! You?"

"Horrible when I was little me and Ian Hecox were friends and he won't leave me alone now that I'm back!" Anthony explained.

"Oh he's a douche anyway he cheated on my older sister!" I said.

He looked down.

"Hey Anthony. Why are you talking to me the school loser?"

"Because you're great company!" He yelled playfully pushing me.

"Sure the shy girl great company? What kind of crack are you on?" I whispered.

"If you haven't noticed I'm the shy guy!" Anthony retorted.

We both began laughing until we couldn't laugh any more. I stared into Anthony's eyes and then out of no where he stole my hat.

"Hey give my hat back dick!" I yelled.

"Fetch!" Anthony screamed.

Then Anthony threw my hat but a sudden gust of wind blew it back towards me.

"Ha!" I yelled throwing my hair back into my beanie.

As soon as we knew it we were at school thirty minutes early.

"What are we going to do for thirty minutes!" Anthony yelled.

"Mcdonalds is down the road we could get a few thing to eat?" I said

"Sure! Race you there!" Anthony screamed. Then we both began to run.

Anthony's Pov:

The race was a tie. We both walked into McDonalds laughing our asses off. It was the best time I had in years! We both ordered ice cream in a cone and began to walk to school. We playfully pushed each other around and walked into the school. Then she hugged me and ran off to her locker. Holy crap she hugged me. Moments later Ian walked up to me.

"Hey don't talk to that girl every guy in this school has the hots for her except me." Ian stated.

"Why does everyone like her she said she had no friends and yeah she's very pretty but you shouldn't love a girl for their looks!" I retorted.

"I know I love Melanie for Melanie... Anthony I swear I'm willing to hang with you!" Ian said.

"I don't want to talk about it now."

"Fine I understand but everyone here but me likes Kalel because she's pretty and hard to get."

I stared at Ian. People like her because she's hard to get!? That makes me sick.

The rest of the classes flew by and finally lunch came by. I walked outside and sat with Kalel on the bench we sat on the day before. We talked laughed and had the best time ever. Once the bell buzzed Kalel kissed my cheek!!!!!! I looked at her and she smiled. Then she walked off. As soon as I got into the hallway Ian Was standing their waiting for me.

"Hey Kalel kissing your cheek is all over school!" Ian shouted

"just kidding" he shouted again.

We talked about video games and stuff and then I noticed I might of said I didn't want us friends but I knew we were friends again it just happened. Ian also told me how he had the armor that was shaped like a six pack that he wore under his shirt to look tough. I guess Ian never changed he just pretended. I guess two awesome friends was enough.

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed did anyone here ANTHONY AND KALEL ARE ENGAGED I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy for them.

Bye-Cassie Boo Boo

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