off to L.A.

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Anthony's Pov:

"Bye!" I waved to my mother as she stepped into her car. She was going to some job thing in Las Vegas. She was taking Matthew with her to! I had some... plans. I saved up for a month and I'm heading off to L.A. to find Kalel. Ian begged to come but I wanted time with Kalel. Also it would just be weird with Ian. If this was just a road trip it would be fine though. I think. I gripped my money and ran off to the train station.

Kalel's Pov:

"Heather I'm not giving you Anthony's number!" I screamed at my best friend

"You said you weren't dating him!" Heather screamed.

"He's dating someone else. I'm not ruining the perfect relation ship!" I retorted.

She began to glare at me. I turned away and ran off to my dorm. I was excited. All the students that got all A's got to go to some water park. Me Kat, Wren, and Jamie were all going to hang out. I was bursting with joy!

Anthony's Pov:

I woke up to a pregnant lady shaking me.

"Kid, we're in L.A.!" The lady said in an annoyed tone.

"Uh thanks for waking me up." I said.

She rolled her eyes. I stood up and made my way to the exit. As soon as I stepped off the train I saw people in suits swarming each other. I felt out of place. Yeah I was taller than a bunch of these guys I felt out of place. As I said they were in suits and I was wearing dark blue jeans, a grey hoodie, a red leather jacket, and converse. I didn't fit in. Whatever I was here for Kalel. But I wanted to go to this water park it was the biggest in L.A. so that's where I'm going first.

Water Park:

I paid for my pass and entered the amazing water park. I looked around. But my eyes stopped on a large group of girl wearing UGLY uniforms. I felt horrible for those girls. They were being lead by a woman in her... hmm 50's. They all ran off the the bathroom. That reminds me I have to go get my swim suit on.

I sprinted into the bathroom and I bumped into a guy ( author: I'm going to use Joey when he had emo hair! ) with a brown emo haircut and green eyes.

"Sorry I wasn't looking!" The guy shouted his voice high pitched.

"My fault I was think about something..." I said.

"Well hi I'm Joey!" Joey shouted.

"Anthony." I said.

"Cool we should hang out sometime." Joey screamed.

Then he ran back to the water park.

I stepped into one of the showering stalls and changed. I sprinted out of the bathroom and saw those girl in uniforms. But they were wearing bikinis. But one girl caught my eye. She had amazing light brown, short hair. Her back was to me so I couldn't really see her. But she turned and even though I only caught a quick glimpse of her I knew who it was. Kalel.

Kalel's Pov:

I turned around and began to talk to Wren.

"Kalel cute guy alert!" Wren whispered.

She pointed over to a guy near the bathroom. They had brown hair and he was tan. Cute. Really cute... I turned around and I felt as in someone was looking at me. Creep! We began walking in multiple directions. My group went up to brown haired guy.

I tapped his back.

"Hi, I'm sorry do I know you?" I asked

"I hope so." Then the guy turned and there stood my ex Anthony.

My girls looked ready to faint. Anthony smiled and kissed me!

What about Mari

What if the head mistress was looking.

What if one of my girls fainted.

But I didn't care. All I cared about was Anthony kissing me.

Author's note:

Hi hope you enjoyed. I am kinda proud of this chapter. I attempted to make the perfect Kalanthony moment. I hope I did it right.

Bye-Cassie Boo Boo

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