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Drake's Pov:

Hey I'm Drake. I'm filthy fucking rich. I'm the most popular guy in school. You get it right? Well I been crushing on this girl named Kalel for two years. This emo ass named Anthony's her boyfriend though. Anthony is weird. One minute he's happy the next he is emo. Once Kalel and Anthony broke up I though she would be mine but her friends were always hanging out with her. I got Melanie sick so the others would get sick two years ago but Kalel got sick.

I saw Kalel with emo. I decided to talk to her.

"Hey Kalel baby!" I yelled.

"Ha ha screw you!" She replied.

"Well I see you're free!" I said smirking.

"NOPE!" She said

"But you're walking alone." I stated.

Emo looked ready to kill me. I heard he really screwed up Ian Hecox's face a few months ago.

He was really getting annoying. All I have to do is get them to go into different rooms and take emo 'out'

Kalel's Pov:

Okay I will admit it I used to crush on this guy. Before Anthony moved here. I don't know but I felt nervous talking to him. Its my old self talking. But he did help me when no one would talk to me. I said I didn't want his help. Yes we... dated for a few weeks. I dumped him when I found Anthony. I still don't regret that... I guess.

I gripped Anthony's hand and kept walking.

"Kalel stop you like him I know." Anthony whispered.

"No I don't!" I screamed a little louder than I meant to.

Anthony had a shocked look on his face. He even looked hurt.

"Well I used to like him." I whispered calming down.

Anthony stepped into his car but I didn't get in.

"Kalel?" Anthony asked.

"I'm going to walk" I said keeping my head down.

Anthony once again looked hurt but he started his car. He couldn't leave yet. To much traffic. I turned around and Drake was there. He leaned in and kissed me! Here's the weird part I kissed back. Once we pulled away I saw Anthony a few feet away. Tears were forming in his eyes.

"Anthony..." I began.

"Goodbye K-Kalel" Anthony said.

He got into his car and drove off. WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME!

I began breaking down. I get the worst girlfriend of the year award.

Anthony's Pov:

Why would she do that to me!? She said she freaking cared. I pulled into my driveway and stepped out of my car. I was crying and when I walked in my mom noticed.

"Anthony what happened!" She screeched.

"Kalel cheated on me..." I said.

Then I started crying like a freaking two year old. She said she freaking cared.

Then the doorbell rang. I wiped my tears and answered it.

It was Kalel.

"Kalel I'm sorry for flipping out..." I started.

"A-Anthony I think I-I'm g-going to d-date Drake." Kalel said.

I did the thing every normal person would do. I slammed the door in her face.

I picked up my phone and called Ian. I told him everything and he said the group would be over in five minutes.

Five minutes passed and yeah. The group was here. I told them the entire story. We all pushed that behind us and decided that we would go to the lake. Only to find Kalel and Drake there.

Ian's Pov:

I can't believe Kalel. She begged Anthony to take her back and then she dumps him for some douche. Does Kalel even know he's a douche or is she trying to stop their love drama. The thing that really pisses me off is that when we go to the lake their sitting on Kalel and Anthony's rock kissing. It honest to god makes me sick. I even threw up a bit in my mouth. Then Melanie and Mari Began to walk over towards them the rest of the group following.

"You make me sick Kalel really fucking sick!" Melanie screamed.

She looked hurt. Whatever she hurt Anthony.

We all began to scream comments close to Melanie's

"Shut up!" Anthony screamed. We all quieted.

"Kalel remember the day you begged me to take you back! You said you fucking cared! So now I know that was a load of bull crap!" Anthony screamed.

Then Kalel began crying.

"Anthony... He said he would kill you if I didn't date him!" She screamed Drake giving her the death glare.

We all backed away from Drake. Then he fucking pulled out a pistol. Woah holy shit! Then he fired and it hit...

Author's note:

Woah that was a crazy chapter. I'm sorry for the cliffhanger. I wanted to torture you

Wha ha ha ha ha!

Bye-Cassie Boo Boo

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