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-{Garroth's POV}-

I walked back over to the wall, where Dante took over my shift. "Hey Dante! Everything good up there?" I called from below. He looked over to me, smiling.

"All good! You can take a break now, I'm sure you wanna check on Aphmau." He said, moving his eyebrows, making me laugh a bit.

"Thanks dude." I said before walking off into the village.

Yes, I am Garroth. I am head guard of Phoenix Drop, and I do use to love Aphmau. I do not anymore, I am just her guardian, now, ever since... Never mind, I don't like to talk about it.

As I walked through town, I heard commotion come from the forest around the village, inside the walls. I followed the block placing sound to see the new girl, Liv, build her home on the old Lord's property.

"Liv." I called. She jumped, startled, and tripped. She then started to fall off the 15 block high tower she was making.

I ran up and caught her just at the neck of time, looking into her beautiful blue eyes. "Th-Thank you." She stuttered, looking at my helm.

I set her down gently, a smile hidden by my helm. "N-No problem. It's what heroes do." I said, blushing like crazy in my helm.

"Well, sorry if this is in a bad place, but I didn't want to invade your, or Lord Aphmau's, village." She explained to me, rubbing the back of her neck. Her face was a light pink, barely noticeable.

"No, it's no problem, really.  I'm sure Lord Aphmau won't mind." I told her, putting a hand on her shoulder.  She smiled and thanked me before she went back to work.  I decided to leave her be, since she has to build a lot. 

I really needed to talk to someone.  I ran over to Kiki's home, I need answers.  I knocked a million billion times before she finally answered.  "Garroth?  What are you doing here?" She asked politely. 

"We need to talk." I said, letting myself inside. 

"Is it bad?" She asked. 

I shook my head.  "It's... An emotional girl thing.  I need some advice." I tell her. 

"Ke ke ke.  Okay, who is this lucky girl?" She asked, making my face heat up again. 

"It's...  The new girl, Liv.  She's...  Pretty, no beautiful.  Her eyes sparkle like the stars at night, her hair like the rays of sun on a hot summer day.  She's just... Wow." I tried explaining.  "But each time I want to talk to her, butterflies appear in my stomach and I feel like I'll say the wrong thing, so I say things like 'It's my duty to help people.' and other things like that."

"Awww, that's so cute!  Ke ke ke!" She laughed.  "Well, you only met her, what, today?  Yesterday?  Just get to know her a bit more, get closer to her.  Learn more about who she is, then come to me or Lord Aphmau for advice.  Ke ke ke!" She said as she smiled.  "Now, I must take care of those elephants.  They are so loud!  Ciao!" She said before she left. 

I walked out to see Laurance crouching near the ground right next to the barn door.  "Laurance, were you... Spying on me?" I asked nervously. 

"Uhh, maybe?" He said as if it was a question.  "Who's the new girl?  What's her name?  Is she as cute as Aphmau?" He asked, making me embarrassed, my face heating up. 

"If you want to meet her, she's building her home right where the old Lord built his." I said before walking away. 

-{Liv's POV}-

As I put the light gray glass pains down, I see a very muscular dude with light brown hair and blue eyes, more like a blue green color, walking towards my 2 story home.  I ran down the stairs I just built and started to work on furniture, pretending like I never saw him. 

I then heard a knock at my new door, which was regular blue.  "Come in." I called loud enough for the man to hear. 

He opened the door, walking in before shutting it behind him.  I turn to face him.  He was wearing the same type of armor the Garroth character was wearing, without the helm.  "Hello, who might you be?" I asked politely, looking at him. 

"I am Laurance, second guard in charge, behind Garroth.  And who are you, beautiful?" He asked all flirty. 

"Umm, I do not like it when people say that about me, thank you though." I started.  "Also, I'm Liv.  It's nice to meet you Laurance." I say with a smile. 

"Ah, sorry.  So, what are you doing in this village?  A trade?" He asked curiously. 

"I am planning to stay here for a while, until I move on." I say, lying about the last part just a tad. 

"Where would you move on to?  The closest village is BrightPort." He told me, looking around my empty home. 

"... I actually don't know what I will do then, but for now,  I will stay here in Phoenix Drop, for now." I tried explaining. 

"So, where have you stayed most of your life?" He asked. 

"Why do you have so many questions?" I asked, smirking and crossing my arms. 

"Hey, that's the second one I asked!" He pointed out. 

"Sorry, I don't like giving personal information. Thanks for stopping by!" I said, pushing him out the door. 

"Wait, I have just 1 more question!" He urged. 

"Fine." I say.  "Just 1."

"Are you single?" He asked, making me push him out and close my door.  I leaned against the door, sighing aloud.  I slid down the door and sat on the ground, bringing my knees up to my chest. 

I sat like that for at least an hour...


Word Count: 975

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