Chapter 21

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-Liv's POV-

"Aphmau, I can take it from here." I said as I looked at Zenix who was in a cage, tied up with his hands behind his back.

"Okay, Laurence is just outside for you, I'll keep him there. I'll be around town if you need me." She told me before leaving, leaving me and Zenix in the room alone.

"Zenix, what are you doing here?" I asked sternly, crossing my arms. He didn't say a word, not even one. "Zenix, answer the question." I told him directly, giving him an order.

He looked at me with his red eyes, giving me a glare. "I don't need to answer anything." He told me, smirking.

I rolled my eyes. "Give me answers or you'll be in pain and I'll get what I want." I threatened. He never responded. I opened the door and as soon as I did, he got up and attacked me, trying to punch me. I blocked and dodged, moving out of his way and grabbing his arm, twisting it behind his back so he feels pain. "Now give me answers or you won't have a working arm." I threatened again.

He groaned in pain as I lifted his arm higher on his back, making him angry. "I'm here to get you, to get you to kill someone." He said as fast as he could.

I moved his arm higher, making him grunt in pain. "Who?" He didn't say a word. "Who?" I said louder.

"Lord Aphmau." He grunted angrily, looking down at the floor.


"Because you're a shadow knight now, I know you are." He growled.

"How do you know?" I growled back, looking at the back of his head.

"Zane found out, he has his sources." He smirked, giving me a twisted feeling.

I pushed him against the wall, making him grunt again. "Where's Garroth?" I asked.

"Why are you asking this?" Zenix asked.

I pushed him against the wall, but rougher. "I ask the questions. Now where is Garroth?" I asked again, this time more rough.

"I don't know, honestly." He said. I looked at his face and he was telling me the truth or he was a really good liar.

"Fine, but you're not going anywhere." I said, pushing him farther into the jail cell. I walked out and closed the door, taking the key. "Don't escape, or I will find you, and if I find you escaping, you'll wish you were never born." I threatened before exiting the jail.

"Laurence, we need to find Garroth, now." I said, grabbing his hand and dragging him, making Dante guard the jailhouse.

"GARROTH!" I call as Laurence and I split up to cover more of the area. We were outside of the wall, and it's been about an hour since we started looking. 

I set out towards the south side of O'Khasis, since in the back, there are no guards there, usually.  I walked off course a bit and found myself going more towards the west side of the place.  I didn't stop, though, and I went through the sewers of O'Khasis.  Why I went there?  I don't know. 

I found myself going through O'Khasis by sewer and saw myself in the dungeon of Zane's building.  I saw Alexander in one jail cell and Garroth in another.  Garroth was against the wall, his eyes glued to the floor. 

"Garroth." I whispered, but it echoed. 

Garroth looked up with bright, wide blue eyes and crawled over to me, surprised to see me.  "Get out of here, it's a trap." He whispered back, looking around for guards. 

"I don't care, I'm getting you out of here." I said as I touched the bar.  Garroth prepared for the worst, but nothing happened. 

I got into my ShadowKnight form, somehow, and tore down the bars.  Then I got Alexander's bars, too, and I snuck them out of there as fast as I could. 

My ShadowKnight form was still active as we exited the walls, running towards home.  I whistled to Laurence, who knew the whistle was to head back, meaning I found Garroth. 

We ended up at the gate and we stopped, taking deep breaths to cool off after running for our lives.  My ShadowKnight form finally faded away, but I didn't feel normal. 

Laurence came back and I turned around, making him jump.  "O-Olivia, your eyes." He stuttered.  "They're red..."


I'm SOOOOO SORRRYYYY I haven't updated in forever!! I've been focused on my other books, and I've been trying to update as often as possible.  And I'm also sorry that this is such a short chapter!! I will make it longer next chapter!! Again, I'm sorry! I'll update soon! CAIO!!!


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