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-{Liv's POV}-

Once we got back, Emmalyn would not stop questioning me about my power like, "How did you receive them?" and "When did you first find out about them?"  I wanted to murder everything by that point. 

Finally, Garroth saved me.  "Emmalyn, you've been talking her ear off.  Let her have a break, she's had a long trip." Garroth said to her, dragging me out of the house. 

Once we were out, I thanked him before I finally got to go home and actually sit down. Garroth then wanted to know more about my past. "I thought you wanted me to have a break." I said, trying to change the subject as fast as I could.

"Olivia, I'm serious. I'm worried for you, and your past makes up who you are today, so I want to know more about who you turned into after years." Garroth said, looking me straight in the eyes. 

I sighed in response, leaning back on the couch.  "Well, I guess I can start at the beginning." I started out.  "I was born in BrightPort 19 years ago, my father being the old lord, until he died in a fire with my mother when I was 4.  I then ventured out to find myself at Metelli.  I was then adopted into Aphmau's family, being called her sister, as if I was her sister." I leaned forward again on the couch. 

"When I turned 11, Aphmau went missing, but I knew where she disappeared to, yet I couldn't get there myself.  I sent Wyverns to receive her, yet they all said no.  I then found Luke, my best Wyvern friend, the one that I rode on to get to the portal." I pointed outside, where he stood, talking to Justine and Malisa.  "He was one of the best things that happened to me."

I paused.  "Anyway, I asked him to go to the Nether, and he was very young.  He asked his friend's father to, and he did.  It took a whole year to finally get her back, but once she got back, she knew nothing about any sister or anything about the village.  The mother of Aph sent her away, making sure she would never see me again, seeing as if it would break my heart more than anything. 

"A few years later, I decided it was smart to leave at the age of 15. I left without saying goodbye, leaving Luke, too. I was a coward for not saying goodbye, as I haven't seen him until today. That's only the beginning of things." I finally stopped for a moment, deciding it was a good time to stop. "It's... Hard to explain the rest..." I said to him.

"I know, but it's important to know." Garroth pushed.

I sighed again, looking down at the floor. "As I turned 16, I finally found out I had powers, since one day I was pick-pocketed by a thief named Amber, when she was only 15. It wasn't a very good pickpocket, but she's still working on it. I then got my money back and she brought me to the thief guild, which I'm not allowed to talk about, but I'm going to anyway.

"So one of the tests was to go steal from a person in a different village, and my pickpocket was Zane's amulet he kept in his room. I had to knock out Guards by using my power, that I somehow got use to. I used it until I touched the box that had the amulet in it. I grabbed the amulet quickly before running out of the room, as guards tried getting through the locked doors because they could smell the smoke.

"I then got myself into the thief guild as the best thief out there. I was one of the top best thieves in the guild, which I was okay with. I then left soon after."

I had to stop as I heard someone knock at the door. I stood up and walked over to the door, opening it. Right there was Laurence. "Laurence? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Zane's here." He said.

"Are you serious?" I asked. "Why does everything keep going badly?!" I yelled out in anger, my fists starting to heat up.

"Calm down, Liv. He's just asking to see you, and he only has 2 guards with him, not the same ones as before." Laurence said.

"That's not calming." I said in a flat tone.

"Just come on." He urged. I sighed in defeat and followed Laurence to the gate. Garroth was soon by my side, looking at me with a worried look.

As I saw Zane at the gate, I took my sword out, getting prepared for battle. I looked up at the wall to see Dale, Sakura, Corey, and Lucinda. Aphmau was beside the gate lever with Aaron, Dante, and Travis. "Zane." I said in an angry tone. "What do you want?" I asked as I came to a complete stop in front of the gate.

"Olivia, we need to talk." Zane said with a smirk.

"The only thing you need to do is leave before blood spills." I threatened mockingly.

He laughed an evil laugh. "You're still as funny as ever." He laughed again. "I want to tell you something important, something that will be very informative for the future."

"I don't care, Zane. Either you leave or I'll make you." I yelled, my sword catching on fire from my anger.

"This is my warning to you, Olivia; if someone finds out that they're your sister, then someone will disappear and not come back!" He yelled, taking his sword out.

"LIES!" I yelled angrily, my shadow knight form taking control over me. My voice got lower and deeper each time I spoke a word. "YOU ARE LYING!" I finally turned pale and red radiance formed around me, my sword bursting into flames. I flicked the lever and ran at him angrily, not controlling my actions anymore. "YOU WILL DIE TODAY AND NO ONE WILL STOP ME!" I screamed without knowing I did.

I was scared, angry, confused. Everything was going downhill, everything was horrid and I was petrified. I wanted Garroth, no I needed Garroth. I needed Aaron to come hug me, or Garroth, or Laurence. I needed someone!!

I swung at him as he turned shadow knight, radiating negative energy off of him. It hit me like a metal bat, sending me flying backwards, but I caught myself. Sakura was looking at me with a worried look on her face, not knowing what was going on with me. I saw Garroth, he was worried, just like Aaron and Laurence.

I saw Zane was on the ground, backing away from me. I was holding his sword in my hand, somehow, and mine was in my bag. I fell to my knees, turning back to normal. I tossed the sword away from me and I was looking at my hands. They were red, a deep deep red that scared me.

I needed to get away from everything, but before I could, Zane yelled, "OLIVIA'S SISTER IS APHMAU!" before running off with his two guards.

I turned around to see Aphmau looking at me with a look I couldn't express in words. It was a 'what-does-he-mean' look that petrified me. Garroth was wide eyed by then, and Sakura was at the gate, on her knees. She was in pain. "S-Sakura?" I called. Everyone looked at her as she soon on the ground, unconscious.


Word Count: 1264

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