Chapter 23

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-Olivia's POV-

I finally got back to my room, with a bit of struggle, since they didn't want me back in my room. I haven't spoken a word, even if they asked me a question or anything, really. I just couldn't even speak a word. I closed my door behind me and walked back to my bed, sitting down.

"I wish I could've saved you." I mumbled in a raspy voice, since I haven't spoken in a while. I cleared my throat and saw a plate of food on a table in my room, including my favorite drink, Diet Pepsi.

(I know Minecraft doesn't have that, but I'm going with it. Lmao.)

I took a sip of the drink and ate a bit of food. I actually was really hungry, I just didn't notice until now. I ate everything on the plate and drank all the drink. I also noticed that there was a piece of cake from Kawaii-Chan's cat. I decided to eat it, since it looked really good.

I took it to my bed and sat down with it, taking a bit of it and trying the first bite. My mouth filled with sweetness and it was so freaking good. It was red velvet cake, not my favorite, but better than nothing.

I finished the piece quickly and decided to bring the things to at least the top of the stairs. I took the cup and the plates and the silverware, opening my door and walking out. I placed it on the top of the stairs, but when I looked at the bottom of the stairs, I noticed someone leaning against the wall.

"A-Aaron." I mumbled quietly, but a little too loud for him to hear. He looked up at me and stopped leaning against the wall. He started to walk up the stairs and I stepped away. I shook him off and quickly went to my room, crashing into a few walls and knocking a few things down in the hallway.

I heard someone come to my door as I closed it, leaning against it. "Mom?" I heard outside my door. It was Lucy.

I sighed and opened the door to notice a little Lucy, looking at me with a frown. "I'm sorry Lucy. What do you need?" I asked as I kneeled down on my knees, getting to her height.

"I just wanted a hug." She said, tears forming in her eyes. I embraced her into a hug and held her tight, as I wasn't there for her when she needed me.

"I'm so sorry, I promise to be here for you when you need me to be." I whispered into her ears as I heard her sob into my shoulder.

She wiped away her tears and pulled away from the hug, looking at me with a smile. I stood up and she grabbed my hand, bringing me downstairs. I smiled as we walked downstairs, as I was just here not even 5 minutes ago.

I saw almost everyone left, except Aaron showed up and Zoey stayed, also. "O-Olivia, Aaron said that you brought your dishes to the stairs." Zoey said as she noticed me with Lucy. 

"Yeah, I did." I said in my raspy voice I still had.  "Sorry about my voice." I told them as I sat down on the couch, next to Lucy.

"I'm going to go, I'll bring Lady Aphmau over later." Zoey said.

"I'm going to be going out soon, so I'll see her around." I said, making her smile. She nodded and bided us all goodbye, leaving my home. "Lucy, go get into something you can wear in public." I told Lucy as I noticed she was wearing PJs.

"Okay, mom. I'm taking a shower first." She said as she headed upstairs, little Bailey following close behind. 

"Olivia..." I heard Aaron say, sitting down next to me. 

"I'm okay, Aaron.  You don't have to worry." I said, thinking that he was going to ask if I was okay.

"I-... wasn't going to ask that." He said, smiling. 

"Oh." I said, looking at the floor. 

"Hey, cheer up.  Everything will be okay.  You've got everyone here for you and you've got-"

"Aaron, I know you liked Sakura." I interrupted.  He looked at me, surprised.  "And I've known you two have had a connection, but it's hard to explain." I said, looking right into his eyes. 

"Listen." He finally stopped me.  "I know you and Sakura have been friends since we were little, but-"

"No, you listen, Aaron.  I care for you, I really do.  I don't care about my feelings and I want you to be oka-"

"Olivia, no.  I care more about you than anyone I've ever known, even Sakura.  Yeah, I did like Sakura, but I know she can handle herself.  And I know she's opened up to Vylad before, but I also know that you've never opened up to anyone, so open up to me and talk to me Olivia, because I'm not letting you walk out that door with a huge burden on your shoulders." He told me.  I was in complete shock, I didn't know he had that in him.  "Now, Olivia, I want you to go out there and talk to Aphmau and everyone else.  Ignore anyone who has hurt you or any of that.  I'll take care of Lucy, I promise." He shad, forcing me out the door. 

"Wait, Aaron." I said as I stopped outside the door.  I turned around and hugged him, kissing him on the cheek.  "Thank you." I said, finally walking away, smiling. 


I know, another short chapter.  But hey, I updated!  Anyway, I've noticed a few comments about how I said 'Brendan-Chan' and the comments said that Chan is a girl type of thing, so I'll start working on fixing that. 

Anyway, back to what I was talking about before, sorry about not updating and sorry this is a short chapter.  I promise to update soon.  CAIO!!


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