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-{Zane's POV}-

"OLIVIA!" I heard someone scream as I was blocking the bright light coming from Olivia's sword, or I think it was her sword.

The light then faded away and Garroth, my older brother, was by her side as she was unconscious. I decided it was my time to leave, knowing it's dangerous to stay around here. I ran down the stairs to see George and Joe running towards the gates, without me.

I huffed in anger as I ran out the door, following them to the wall gate, where Brian opened the gate and set us free. I looked back at him and saw a bad look in his eyes, a look I liked. I nodded towards him before turning around and sprinted to the 2 cowardly guards.

-{Liv's POV}-

I woke up, looking around. I was on my bed, my comfy bed. I could see... I saw the staircase's new rail, the boxes in the corner of the room were gone, and all the furniture in it was all placed down, not the exact places I wanted it, but it was the best they could do.

I sat up to see Aaron leaning against the wall, near the staircase. He was looking down at the bottom of the staircase. "A-Aaron?" I called quietly, getting his attention.

He turned towards me, rushing to my side. "Olivia, you had me worried sick." He said as he checked my pulse on my arm. Laurence and Aphmau came upstairs.

"What are you talking about?" I asked curiously.

"You were battling Zane, your sword bursted into flames and there was a bright light, then next thing we knew, you were out cold and Zane was running off." Laurence explained.

"How long was I out?" I asked, nervous for the answer.

"About a week." Aphmau responded.

"A week?! Where's Garroth?!" I asked nervously.

"He's downstairs. He wouldn't leave your side. He never ate, drank, went to the bathroom, anything! I made him go eat something, for once." Aphmau explained to me.

I don't feel like disturbing him, not yet.  "Okay.  Can I just have a few minutes to myself?" I asked them.  They all nodded and left me in silence, which I never minded. 

I looked around once more, but more closely.  Nothing really changed since I've last seen it, except for the rearranging. 

I got out of bed to see I was in pajama shorts and a Fall Out Boy tee, so I decided to change.  I got into regular jean shorts and my regular orange tee with my hoodie.  I brushed my hair out, but it was silkie and smooth, like someone already brushed it.  I shook my head, getting that thought out of my head as I put my hair in a side ponytail, letting my hair rest on my shoulder. 

I got into purple sneakers and sat back down on my bed.  It's been forever since I've actually saw everything around me, so I need to make the best of it. 

The only question is, how did I get my sight back?  My powers became out of control, out of anger and fear. I was scared that Zane would actually beat me for once, since I was blind. He was stronger than before, more powerful, but how? He didn't seem different, but he did at the same time. I just couldn't put my finger on it. It confused me, and nothing usually confuses me when it comes to people.

I heard someone walking up the stairs, so I turn to see Garroth's face as white as a ghost. "Olivia." He called. I stood up and walked towards him. He walked up to me and we met in the middle, between where we started. He automatically hugged me. I smiled and hugged back. "I was horrified, wondering if you would come back or not..." He whispered.

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