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-{Liv's POV}-

I felt a pain like no other go on in my head, but I had to help Sakura. Aaron was by her side, Aphmau and Dante, too. Kawaii Chan was hugging Brendan for comfort, which was kind of cute! I was trying to get to Sakura's side, but each step I took, the nearer I got to her, the pain would get worse.

"Olivia, you're pale." Garroth told me quietly. He grabbed my arm and helped me stand straight. "I need to take you home." He said as he lead me closer to Sakura, which made the pain worse. My ears started ringing and I closed my eyes, shut tightly. The pain, it was horrid.

After we passed by, the pain started fading away, then once we got to my house, it was mostly gone. The little pain I had wasn't horrible, but it wasn't good, either. "Garroth, what about Sakura?" I asked as he set me down on the couch.

"She'll have to stay here, I guess. Or she can stay with Lady Aphmau." Garroth suggested as he headed to the kitchen to get a glass of water for me.

"She will have to stay with Aphmau, then. She can't stay with me, not while the negative energy is radiating off of her." I responded as he came back to the living room, handing me the glass of water. He sat down next to me as I chugged the glass of water. I finished it and set it down on the coffee table.

"I felt that negative energy, but it must be more powerful for a powerful human like yourself." Garroth said.

I sighed. "I just can't deal with the pain of her being here. I don't even know what's going on anymore." Once I finished the sentence, Dale bursted through the door without knocking.

He was out of breath. "Sakura, she's gone!" Dale said. I stood from where I sat, looking at him with a concerned look.

"Explain what happened." I said as I walked out the door with him, speed walking to the gate.

"We were trying to wake her up, then all of a sudden, she opened her eyes and they were completely white. She then disappeared, not even running off. She just... Poof!" He tried explaining.

We got to the gates and I saw everyone was in a panic and Laurance and Aph were trying to calm everyone down. "Liv, Sakura's gone." Aaron told me as I came nearer to the group.

"I know." I mumbled. I placed a wood block down and stood on top of it, whistling loudly to get everyone's attention. "LISTEN UP!" I screamed over everyone's talking. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me. "I know things are going badly, but we need to stay calm and figure this out without panic! This may seem fictional, but it is all too real! We all must stay calm and try to figure this out! Now, Magicks users, Guards, and any fighter will meet in the town square! The rest of you will go home and make sure you can help figure this out! Thank you!" I screamed to let everyone hear before jumping off the block and collecting it back.


As everyone was standing around, talking to one another, I needed to talk to Aphmau. "So what happened exactly?" I asked her as we stood away from the crowd.

"As Garroth took you home, Sakura was shaking and she had to be in pain. Zoey tried a lot to get her up, and so did Lucinda, but when I tried waking her up, her eyes opened, scaring me. I asked if she was okay, but once I saw that her eyes were pure white, I didn't know what else to say. She then just disappeared, like disintegrated, but she didn't at the same time." Aphmau explained to me.

"Okay. We need some type of plan to keep everything under control as a few people come with me to go find her." I was about to walk away, but Aphmau stopped me.

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