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-{Liv's POV}-

After a few hours, I finished my home.  I might as well just go on a little adventure.

I left my home, going through the forest to the village. It wasn't a big village, but it was quite beautiful. It had a HUGE wheat farm, a big barn house right near the edge of the village, a plaza near a few homes, and on top of a mountain was a statue of Lady Irene. I wanted to see that first.

I walked towards it, plugging my headphones back into my phone, playing Fall Out Boy louder than before. I didn't care anymore. I was safe, for now.

I stopped at the edge of the statue, looking at it. It was glowing purple, but it was holding a Wyrins assents. It was looking up, yet her eyes were closed.

Water was formed around it, her standing on a purple block right in the middle. She looked... Magnificent.

"I wish I could be that magnificent..." I mumbled, looking at the statue. I looked behind the statue to see a boat coming from that way.

"What the..." I mumble once more before I ran down the hill to see the boat. It looked like an O'Khasis boat, but it was smaller and less armored.

I saw the boat go around the land and go towards Lord Aphmau's home. I run towards her home, but once I got there, it was a splitting path, one to a little beach and one to her home.

I headed to the beach, curious of what's going on. I saw Aaron behind a tree, so I headed right to there. "Aaron." I called quietly, getting his attention.

"Olivia?" He asked quietly back, looking around for me. I ran towards him, hiding behind the tree. "Olivia, it's been years." He said, a faint smile growing on his face. He took off his hood, showing his black hair and dark gray eyes.

"Yeah, I guess you had somewhere to go, eh?" I asked, whispering.

"Yeah. I headed to Phoenix Drop to watch over the new lord, Aphmau. She's a great help to these people, but she just reminds me of someone, someone that I absolutely loved." He said, tears forming in his eyes.

I took that chance to hug him. He was surprised at first, but accepted the hug. "Olivia, she reminds me of my wife..." He mumbled quietly.

I sighed, ready to burst into tears with him. I knew how he felt, well, except it was a boyfriend, not wife or husband.

I let go of the hug, getting down to business. "So what do you think an O'Khasis ship is doing here?" I whispered, looking at the docks as the ship pulls up.

"I-I don't really know. It's been a long time since O'Khasis has visited a place like this." He responded quietly.

I saw Laurence and Garroth rushing down to the docks, along with Lord Aphmau behind them. The boat was right at the docks when they finally stopped running. "What's a O'Khasis boat doing here?" Aphmau asked.

"... I don't really know." was all Garroth said.

"Maybe someone needs help?" Laurence suggested.

"That's unlikely." Aphmau told him, looking at the boat. I walked away from Aaron, staying out of sight of Laurence, Garroth, and Aphmau.

I walked nearer to the water before I jumped into the water. I did it loudly, so I rushed away from the top. I swam under the boat, then behind it. I was then on one side of the boat, the docks being on the other side. I saw a ladder, so I swam over quietly, and started to climb the ladder, also quietly.

I heard someone talking, but it wasn't above. A small window was open. "I am only here because I need to ask Lord Aphmau about... certain subjects. Then I'm off." The person said. It was a girl, reminded me of someone.

"Grab the new girl. She will be quite useful. I hear she was going to be married to my brother." I heard someone that I knew say. It was Zane!!!

"I am only here to ask Aphmau questions." The girl said as if she wasn't talking to her boss, which she was.

"If you don't, I'll do the same thing to you like I did to Jeffery." She gasped quietly, but loud enough for me to hear.

"Okay, sir. I will bring you the girl." She mumbled, barely hearable.

I then jumped back into the water, swimming back to where I was before. I got above water, taking a few deep breaths before going back into the shadows. I ran back towards Aaron, hoping he was still there. My hope wasn't there as I found out he wasn't there anymore. I sighed, but ran off towards my home.

-{Garroth's POV}-

"I swore, I heard someone jump into the water or something..." Laurence mumbled under his breath as he looked around the water. I looked at the boat, ready to see who is inside.

As someone opened the door, I heard a sigh come from the forest behind me, but quiet enough for me to hardly hear it. I then heard quiet, yet swift footsteps rush through the forest. "Laurence, take over. I have something I have to do." I said quickly to Laurence. Before he could say anything, I sprinted off into the forest to follow the person who sighed.

I followed the sound of the footsteps go towards the village, then ran off towards Liv's new home.  I just ran after them, hoping Liv's not in trouble. 

I hid behind a tree as the mystery person was slowing down, right in front of the door.  I took my chance and jumped on them.  "L-Liv?!" I asked as I was on top of her. 

"G-Garroth!  Were you... Following me?" She asked puzzled. 

"N-No...  Well, yes, but I didn't know it was you!" I told her. 

"Well, could you get off me?  You're kind of hurting my stomach." She says, looking down. 

"O-Oh, yeah." I say, getting up.  I held out a hand to help her out, and she took it.  "So what's an O'Khasis ship doing here anyway?" I asked, wondering if she'd have a clue. 

"Well, when I swam over to the other side of the ship, I found a ladder, so I climbed it and heard someone talking." She explained.  "The girl said she was here to talk to Lord Aphmau, but the man she was talking to, he said he wanted the new girl, me, because..." She stopped.  "Well, I don't really know why." She said, rubbing the back of her neck with a nervous smile. 

"Well, Laurence can take care of Lord Aphmau.  Someone needs to protect you." I said, smiling. 

"Can you?  No one else will..." She mumbled the last part. 

"Yeah, of course!  I'll just have to tell Lord Aphmau.  I will be right back." I said before running off to talk to Lord Aphmau.


Word Count: 1174

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