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-{Liv's POV}-

As I woke up the next morning by little Lucy, I found out I was on the couch by then. I looked at the time and it was 10:30. I fell off the couch and walked upstairs to see why I was on the couch in the first place.

I looked to see 3 rooms with 3 different colored doors; purple, blue, and light pink. I looked through the pink door and saw it was Lucy's room, since I didn't have one for her. The purple was my room, as I saw my bed, and the blue was a bathroom, which was awesome to have upstairs. I looked at the rest of my old room to see little decorations, which I was fine with.

I saw Garroth came upstairs with a smile, looking at me. "Garroth, did you do this?" I asked as I pointed to him.

He came closer. "Yeah! He did! Isn't he awesome, mom?" Lucy said.

I smiled as she said mom. "He sure is." I said with a smile, looking at Garroth.

I heard someone downstairs, it was Zoey. "Lucy! Someone wants to play with you!" She screamed. Lucy ran downstairs to see who she was going to play with. "I'll take Lucy today!" Zoey screamed before exiting the house.

"Thanks Garroth, but I should really get dressed." I said, looking down at my PJ shorts and tee.

"I'll meet you downstairs." Garroth said as he headed downstairs.

-{Zane's POV}-

"MY FILES ARE GONE?! HOW MANY MISTAKES CAN YOU MAKE?!" I yelled angrily, slamming my fist on the arm of my thrown.

The guard cowered in fear. "I'm sorry, sir. Someone was undercover here and dressed as a guard and took them while we marched the hallway." He explained in fear.

I sighed in anger. "What files did they steal?" I asked, trying not to sound angry, but it didn't work.

"Olivia, Sakura, Aaron, Garroth, Laurence, Travis, Aphmau, Dante, Katelyn, Jeffery, and your files..." He mumbled quickly. 


He ran off like a coward as I stood from my thrown.  "JOE, GEORGE!" I screamed.  Joe and George came into the room with worried looks on their faces.  "You two have one last chance.  You must go secretly get back my files and Olivia's files.  No one must know about them." I growled.  "Go, before I change my mind."

They ran off as quickly as they could, leaving me in silence.  I sat back down, sighing.  I looked at my guard next to me, who was standing up straight and had no expression on his face.  I looked at my other guard and he was the same. 

I sighed once again and got up, leaving the room.  I went to the file room and went through most of the files, seeing as the coward guard was right, they did take all of those. 

I pushed the drawer closed roughly before stomping out of the room.  I went down to the dungeon to see Alexander.  "Alexander, tell me what happened." I urged. 

He stood up from the cell floor and glared at me.  "You should just leave me alone.  You tried this yesterday, it's not happening today." He growled. 

"Tell me before I go in there and kill you." I barked back. 

He sighed angrily. He never responded. I opened the door and walked in, taking my sword out. I put it up to his neck. "Tell me who drugged you and why they did." I said in a rough tone.

He gulped, looking frightened. "Phoenix Drop's villagers did and they were trying to hide someone, I don't know who!" He said in a rush.

I took my sword away from his neck and walked off, smirking. "Good boy." I said before closing the cell door and walking away.

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