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-{Aphmau's POV}-

We were now on the road back to Phoenix Drop, and we didn't have a chance of killing Zane... Well, we did but we're not Liv; we can't kill. 

We can't run home, Liv's just too heavy.  Laurence offered to take a turn carrying her home, but Garroth refused.  He said he was fine and kept walking.  He occasionally looked down at her with a smile and looked back up at the road ahead.  If Kiki or Kawaii Chan were here, they would sooooo be taking pictures. 

Dale was talking to Laurence and Dante, I was walking behind Garroth as he led the group home with Liv in his arms. 

"You really like her?" Dante asked. 

"Just look at her!  Her beautiful brown-ish red hair, her beautiful blue glowing eyes, she's a total babe!" Laurence said with a laugh.

"Ahhh, so you wouldn't mind if I swept her off her feet?" Dante said with a smirk. 

"DANTE!" Laurence yelled in shock before tackling him.  We all stopped and turned around to them wrestling. 

"Laurence, I'll let you carry Liv if you get off Dante!" Garroth cooed before laughing.  Laurence and Dante stopped before Laurence came over and tried taking Liv from Garroth, but Liv moaned and her eyes fluttered open. 

"L-Liv?" Garroth stuttered as he looked into her blue eyes. 

"W-What's going on?" She asked.  "I-I can't see..." She said, trying to feel her surroundings.  "G-Garroth?  I-Is that you?" She stuttered, she was shocked! 

"You can't see anything?" Laurence asked. 

"Where are we?  How come I can't see?" She asked as Garroth put her down.  She came over to me and felt my face.  "Is this Aphmau?" She asked. 

"Yeah, it's me." I said as I moved her hands away from me.  "And we're on the way back to Phoenix Drop."

"Did you guys kill Zane?" She asked curiously.  Everyone didn't speak.  "Did you guys kill Zane or not?" She repeated. No one said a thing. "What happened after I said, 'I'm stronger than I use to be!' but the last part in a darker voice?" She asked annoyed. 

"Well, there was a flash of white, then you became an angel with wings, going against a Shadow Knight, AKA Zane and you used your strength to knock him out cold and you made all the Guards flee, then you knocked out and Garroth caught you." Dale said quickly.

I looked at Liv, she was shocked. "N-No! No no no no no! T-This can't be h-happening! T-That wasn't- no!!" She freaked out. "No, I have to go!" She said as she tried to run off, but Garroth grabbed her arm.

"You aren't going anywhere, Liv." He said. I had a feeling in my stomach, a weird feeling, like jealousy! Why am I jealous?!?!

-{Liv's POV}-

No, that wasn't suppose to happen! I was- NO! I thought as I tried looking for Garroth as he held my arm.

I couldn't see a thing, not one thing. Only black, that's it. "G-Garroth, I need to leave." I said, struggling to be freed from his grasp.

"You can't see anything, remember?" He said. 

"F-Fine.  But you guys better not say anything to anyone about this!" I respond as he leads me back into the path. He held onto my arm as his hand slowly slid down it. He grabbed my hand as I blushed a bit, intertwining our fingers. I smile and try not to giggle like a school girl, but it was hard to.

I wanted to look at his beautiful blue eyes, his blonde hair, the way it blows in the wind, but I can't. I can't see a thing! Ugh, why can't I seeee?!?!

-{Garroth's POV}-

I didn't have a chance to get Aphmau, so I might as well try for Liv. She was just absolutely perfect in every way! She laughs at the face of danger, she doesn't give up in a fight, and when she has a task at hand, she tries and tries until she succeeds! She also has beautiful hair and her eyes... Wow!

Her eyes were a little darker now, but they were still that beautiful blue they've always been. As we near the gate to our home, Laurence walked beside me, giving me a 'good-job-bro' look. I blushed a bit as I looked at Liv. She didn't have an expression, just a looking forward, well her head was forward.

I saw Logan and Corey at the top of the walls. I waved to them, and they saw us. I let go of Liv's hand as the gate opened. Her expression changed from nothing to a bit sad. I think she might like me. "Hey guys, why- wait, who's she?" Logan asked disrespectfully.

"I'm Liv." was all Liv said.

"Well, Liv, it's nice to meet you." Corey stuck out his hand to shake, but Liv couldn't see it, so it made things a little awkward.

"Oh, Liv can't see, for now. It's like the same thing that happened to Laurence." Aphmau told them.

"Well, where did you all go?" Logan asked.

"We needed to go visit someone, one of Liv's... Acquaintances." Aphmau said, finding the right words to say.

Liv simply nodded. "Okay. Nothing really happened. A few animals got loose at Kiki's farm, but they were found and put back. Also, nothing has happened at the O'Khasis ship. Travis has been keeping an eye on the ship. No one came out, nor in." Corey updated us.

"Okay, thank you." Aphmau said as Laurence grabbed Liv's arm and dragged her to the village. I growled a bit, I'm guessing jealousy, before following them.

Logan ran up to me and stopped me for a split second. "Go for it. You have nothing to lose." Logan whispered before running back over to Corey, who was closing the gate.

I smiled as I then ran to catch up.


Word Count - 998

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