Chapter 20

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-Liv's POV-

The wedding was now in session, Aphmau being the bridesmaid, Corey standing near her. I was sitting next to Garroth and Laurence in the front row, smiling as Donna walked down the isle.  Yip was next to Aph, the rings on a little pillow as he held the pillow. I was wearing a dress, surprisingly. Cadenza made me, though, so I wore it. (It's the one above. :3!!)

After the whole wedding ceremony, there was a huge dance that we all were having an amazing time. I, for one, was sitting down, enjoying it by sitting here at a table, relaxing and drinking my rootbeer. I don't usually have rootbeer, so this is a special occasion. Garroth, Laurence, and everyone else was dancing, well, actually Zoey had to go put Levin, Malachi, and Lucy to bed, so not everyone, but almost everyone.

Laurence then saw me and looked at me with a confused expression, wondering why I wasn't dancing. I waved a hand, telling him I'm fine. He walked over as the song quieted down. "May I have this dance?" Laurence asked me as a slow song turned on.

"I guess." I responded as we got on the dance floor as a few couples started dancing. Garroth then started dancing with Cadenza, making me fuel with anger, but I didn't make it noticeable.

I danced with Laurence for a while until another slow song turned on and the DJ, which would usually be me, but Alexis wanted to do it, said to switch partners. Garroth took Laurence's spot as Laurence went to Cadenza, an angry look on his face. "Hi Garroth." I said with a smile.

"Hi." He responded, a cute smile on his face.

I flushed a red, putting my stray hairs in my face.  My hair was up in a beautiful braid as my dress swayed side to side as I tried to stay balanced on my heels, which I loved to wear.  Yes, I love heeled shoes, but not usually this high!! 

I looked at Garroth's face before he pulled me closer, letting my rest my head on his chest, his head resting on mine.  I smiled, as he rested his hands on my lower back, feeling relaxed to have me back after 6 months of being Olivia Free. 

After dancing until 1 AM, Donna and Logan then planned to leave at Sunset the next day for their honeymoon.  I went home, a smile on my face and walked through the door, relaxing.  I sat down on the couch and slipped off my heels, relaxing for the first time.  I ran upstairs and got changed into a pair of shorts and a Fall Out Boy tee, sitting down on the couch and watching as Bailey ran downstairs, to my side. 

Lucy was upstairs sleeping, so Bailey usually watched over her, or that's what Zoey said since Garroth brought her to the house about 3 months ago, when I was unconscious.  Every since then, Bailey hasn't really left my side, except the nights when she watches over Lucy.  Usually when I get home, which is usually late, she runs downstairs to see me, then runs back upstairs to go watch over Lucy and protect her. 

My train of thoughts came to a stop as I heard a knock at my door.  I stood up and walked over, opening the door and saw Laurence was there, smiling.  "Hey Laurence, what's up?" I asked as I leaned on the door. 

"Just needed to make sure you got home safely." He said.  "Also, have you seen Garroth?  I haven't seen him since Corey and Dale asked him to go with them to drink." He asked. 

"No, I haven't.  Should we go find him?" I asked. 

"Yeah, but I have no idea where he could be."

"Maybe at Dale's and Molly's?" I suggested.  He nodded and we headed there.


"We still haven't found him, we checked everywhere." I told Aphmau. 

"I'm sure he'll turn up, but you seriously need some sleep, you have dark circles under your eyes." She responded after yawning. 

I sighed in response, looking around outside.  "I'm going to look for him beyond the walls, night Aph'." I said before heading to the wall. 

I got to the wall to see Brian there, looking around for anyone.  I got into a tree and hid from him.  He opened the gate and Zane came through, smirking.  "Thank you, Brian.  I knew you were like me." I heard Zane say. 

A guy I didn't know walked through, he had red eyes.  He had to be a Shadow Knight, but how come I haven't met him yet?  "This is Zenix, he will be here to watch over everyone, and he will report everything that goes on here, but he'll mostly watch Sakura and Olivia.  Zenix, go do your work." he said. 

Zenix was gone, and I just noticed.  I felt someone push me, but I caught myself and fought back, pushing him off the tree before jumping down, landing on the balls of my feet.  "Zane." I said angrily. 

"O-Olivia?!" I heard Brian yell in shock. 

"Brian, how dare you betray your home village!  This is your home, where your mother and father are." I told him, pointing to the village. 

"No way, I know where I belong." He responded. 

"You're only 17 Brian!  Don't make this mistake!" I said sternly. 

"You are not my mother." He growled. 

"I may not be your mother, but I'm just thinking about your safety, you parents' feelings, your entire life ahead of you!" I said. 

"ZANE!" I heard from the trees.  Next thing I know, Sakura was on top of him, a sword up to his neck.  Zenix tried getting to him, but I tackled Zenix, sitting on top of him. 

"BRIAN, MAKE THE DECISION, PLEASE!  HELP!" I called out, making everyone's lights turn on in the village.  He was looking from Zane to me, Zane to me, Zane back to me.  "BRIAN, PLEASE!" I screamed as I held down Zenix's arms as he fought his way out.  "BRI-" I was then pushed away and I was now on the ground, looking up at Zenix.  "LAURENCE, GARROTH, SOMEONE!" I screamed out, taking my sword out. 

"Sorry Olivia..." I heard Brian whisper before Laurence showed up, tackling Zenix.  As soon as I got up, Zane and Brian were gone, but Zenix was still here under Laurence. 

"Laurence, bring him to the jail.  Sakura, get Lucinda.  I'll go get Aphmau." I say before running to Aph's home.



I am so sorry I haven't updated in forever, but I've been working on another book, it's a cute love story.  Check it out on my account, it's cute.  Anyway, I'll update as soon as I can!  CAIO!!!!


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