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-{Liv's POV}-

I looked through all the files as Levin kept asking what they were about. "What's S stand for?" Levin asked.

"Sakura." I answered, reading through Laurence's file. He was the first one I read after reading mine, again. He had such a history, it was pretty crazy.

"What about the A?" He asked as he picked it up. He opened it and read, "Aaron? Who's that?"

Malachi took the file from him. "Levin, that is her privacy and work. You must leave her be!" Malachi ordered in a soft voice.

"Thank you, Malachi, but it's quite alright. Levin's curious and it's fine with me." I said with a smile. Levin smiled and grabbed the one with Z and started reading it to himself.

"Are you sure it's safe?" Malachi asked.

"I'm sure it is." I said, not paying attention as I read through Garroth's. His full name was Garroth Evan Ro'Mieve, such a name! His mother and father, the lords of O'Khasis, of course, his brother's name, Zane, and a blurred out name. I couldn't read it, so I ignored it.

I looked up to see Levin was reading mine, which I did not want. "Levin, can I have that one, please?" I asked politely. He nodded and closed it up, handing it to me. "Thank you." I said with a smile, keeping that one in my sight.

I then noticed Malachi yawned, and so did Levin. I looked at my clock as I saw it was almost 7:20. I heard someone knock at the door, it was Garroth. I stood up and answered the door. "Zoey wants Malachi and Levin back so they can sleep." He said.

"Awww, can we stay longer, pleeeaase?" Levin begged as he came to the door.

"I'll take you guys home." I said with a smile. They yayed and smiled. I grabbed their hands and brought them home.

I brought them upstairs and everything. They did not want me to leave their side. "I know we have the music box, but can you sing for us? Mommy sometimes sings for us, so we want singing." Levin explained to me.

I smiled, not noticing the door was open. I started to sing.

"If I could fly,
I'd be coming right back home to you
I think I might give up everything,
just ask me to

Pay attention, I hope that you listen cause I let my guard down
Right now I'm completely defenseless

For your eyes only,
I show you my heart
For when you're lonely and
forget who you are
I'm missing half of me when we're apart
Now you know me,
for your eyes only
For your eyes only."

I stopped singing and saw they were almost asleep. I kissed both their foreheads and left them to sleep. As soon as I shut their door, I turned around to become face to face to Laurence, Garroth, Travis, Aaron, Zoey, Kawaii Chan, and Brendan, staring at me in awe.

My face was hot in embarrassment. "W-Were you all l-listening?" I stuttered. They all nodded as smiles appeared on their faces. I didn't know my face could even burn redder than it did, but it did, and I was reeaaallllyyyyy embarrassed. 

"You are such a good singer, Liv Sama!" Kawaii Chan said in excitement.  They all stopped staring as smiles appeared on their faces.

"T-Thanks." I said as I rubbed my arm, embarrassed.  "W-Well, I better get home.  I have to read through all of those files." I said, rushing away from all of them. 

I walked outside and saw it was dark out, about 8.  I looked around before actually running towards my home. 

-{Sakura's POV}-

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