Chapter 25

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-Olivia's POV-

"You need help moving in?" Garroth asked, making me a bit queazy inside.  It was confusing and I was panicking about this whole situation, so I had to deny his offer. 

"Nah, it's alright.  I can get everything myself. Thanks for the offer, though." I smiled and let them go off.  They offered, I denied.  Hopefully things go down as planned. 

I got everything into my house in about an hour and I had to unpack everything by myself.  It was terrifying, how everything turned out this way.  Sakura, where is she?  And Aphmau, or Aaron?  Are they around here, will they find me?  So many unanswered questions, I need to find out what is happening!

I walk outside and look around, taking in everything around me.  It was nothing like Phoenix Drop, it was more classy, almost like a fancy type of town, not like the ones I lived in.  It was crowded, more spacious, and more places to go and see.  It was nothing like anything I've ever seen. 

I walked towards the sidewalk, near the road I was just driving on.  This must be a dream, it has to be!  Nothing is right here, absolutely nothing.  I noticed Zane, the evil Zane, walking down the sidewalk.  I could tell it was him from a mile away.  Maybe he was different in this world, maybe he was nice!  Oh who am I kidding?  HE'S ZANE!

I stopped walking for a second as I felt vibrating in my pocket.  I checked and saw it was a phone, or something.  I knew what they are, I've just never knew how to use them, since I never wanted to have one.  I saw it was Aphmau, so she must know me in this world! 

I answered it, putting it up to my ear.  "Hello?" I asked. 

"Hey Liv, I heard you moved into the town!  Wanna come by and eat lunch?  Aaron is gonna be making food." I heard Aph say through the electronic. 

"Oh, of course!  Where do you live?" I asked, smiling.  Finally, someone actually knew me.  She told me the address and I found it right near where I was standing.  Zane followed behind me, I'm sure he didn't know it was me, or he would've started to battle me. 

I rung the doorbell and Aph answers, embracing me in a hug.  "It's so nice to see you, Liv!  Come on in!" She invited in, then she saw Zane.  "You too, Zane.  I want you to meet my sister."

"Hey, Liv!  It's nice to see you!  It's been so long." Aaron said, hugging me. 

"I-It has, hasn't it?" I stutter, figuring out what is happening.  I'm confused as hell and I can't figure out where I am or how they know me!  Well, Aph just said that I was her sister, so at least she knows that. 

"It's nice to meet you, Liv." Zane said in his deep voice that gave me shivers down my spine.  "I am Zane."

"I-It's nice to meet you, Z-Zane." I responded, feeling myself get cold and get goosebumps. 

"Olivia, are you alright?  You look really pale." Aaron asked, feeling my forehead.  "You're burning up, you must be getting sick."

"N-No, I'm alright.  Just everything is, uh, stressing me out, that's all." I covered up.  I'm not sick, I'm just panicking.  Nothing like this has ever happened to me before, it's worrying me.

"A-Alright, well who's hungry?" Aph asked, smiling her usual happy smile. I'm thankful I at least had someone here for me.

Aaron finished making whatever and we ate. Everyone talked among themselves, while I kept myself isolated, making no sound to anyone except the clink of a fork when picking up food. I was even quiet when drinking my water I asked for.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a second?" Aaron asked me, motioning me to go away from everyone else. I nodded, setting my fork down on my plate and following him to the kitchen. "Are you sure you're alright, you don't look very comfortable around us right now." He whispered.

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