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-{Liv's POV}-

A few hours went by, the house was completely silent, except for me rummaging through my things in the crates. I would occasionally hear the wind hitting my home, but that was a soothing sound, for me at least.

I had all my best armor in 1 bag, my weapons and tools in another and extra food in 1 other. They were small bags, so I could fit them in my bag I always had.

I fit them in my inventory (bag) as I headed downstairs. The sun was going down behind the trees, which I was okay with. I planned to head out near sundown, so it's time.

I walked outside with my crutches to see Laurence, Garroth, Aphmau, Dante, and one other male standing right at my doorway, armored and all. "What are you all doing here, and who are you?" I asked.

"I am Dale." The male introduced.

"And we're here to join you on the trip." Aphmau said.

"I don't think-" I started.

"I am different from other lords, Liv." She interrupted.

"You're still a lord. I don't want you dead. You mean the world to these villagers, I'm sure." I say.

"I'm going with you." She growled.

"Fine, but I'm making a guard stay with you at all times." I say to her. "I'm leaving now, so if you're ready for a deathwish, come along." I say as I headed towards the gate.


"So, Liv, where were you from? You never really answered that question." Dante asked.

"I'm from many places." I said to him, not spreading too much information.

"I think he means where were you born." Laurence told me.

"Somewhere where I've hated..." I mumbled.

"Did you say something?" Aphmau asked.

"I said I'm from... Meteli, yeah." I said, mentally high-fiving myself.

"Meteli? Nice place." Dale said.

"Yeah..." I mumble.

"Hey Liv, do you have any siblings by any chance?" Aphmau asked. 

I was shocked for a second, but kept walking.  "Yeah, a sister, but I haven't seen her since I was a young teen." I told her.  I didn't want to say anything too bad. 

"What was her name?" Laurence asked. 

"Her name was A-..... Am... Il... Ia, Amilia, yeah." I said with a fake smile. 

"What did Amilia look like?" Dale asked. 

Where do these people come up these these questions?! I thought as we kept going down the path to O'Khasis. 

"Well, she has black-ish brown hair and... Umm, green eyes, and she's super skinny and had an awesome personality." I was just lying through my teeth now. 

"Wow, where is she now?" Laurence asked.  Garroth is being kind of quiet...

"As I said before, I haven't seen her..." I mumbled the last part as Garroth now walked next to me.  I looked up at him and he looked at me with a worried look. 

I gave him an 'I'm-okay' look before looking back at the ground to make sure I don't trip over any rocks with these crutches. 

The rest of the time was just them talking as I fell back to the back of the group, with Garroth by my side to help me...

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