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-{Aphmau's POV}-

As Katelyn walked out of my home, I sighed in relief.  My boyfriend, Travis, came upstairs with Levin by his side.  "How did things go, mom?" Levin asked me. 

"It went... Great, I guess." I responded, standing up.  "Levin, can you go play with Malachi?" I asked.  He nodded before heading upstairs.  I sighed, sitting down in one of the chairs again.  "Katelyn is getting suspicions about Jeffery." I told Travis. 

"Jeffery the Golden Heart?  He died, didn't he?" Travis asked me. 

I nodded.  "She's questioning me about why he would die, most likely from Zane." I mumble the last part before I heard a knock at the door. 

Travis answered it for me before inviting someone in.  I look to see Zoey, Kawaii Chan and Lucinda, along with Kiki.  "Hey girls, what's up?" I asked as I stood from my chair and over to them. 

"Have you met the new girl Aphmau Senpai?" Kawaii Chan asked. 

"Oh, Liv?  Yeah, she built her home at the old lord's place, right?" I asked. 

Lucinda nodded.  "She's also been hanging around Garroth a lot, ke ke ke!" Kiki chuckled, making me smile. 

"Looks like Garroth will be happy." I look at Travis with a smile.  "Garroth will be, right?" I looked to the girls. 

"Most likely.  Liv is secretive, yeah, but she'll break." Lucinda said, smirking. 

"She doesn't like to meet new people, either.  She's kind of like Lucinda, but she's like... Hmm, I don't know.  She's a secretive girl who doesn't like to be cared for and doesn't like to be a girl." Zoey tried explaining. 

"Ke ke ke!  She's a crazy girl, but I'm sure Garroth will adore her, either way." Kiki said with a giggle.  "And Laurence took a liking to her, too!"

"Kawaii Chan is nervous for Dante Senpai because Dante Senpai is with Garroth Sama and Liv Sama!" Kawaii Chan complained.  

"Don't worry Kawaii Chan, Dante will be back later." I reassured her. "But does Garroth really like her?"

"Yup, ke ke ke!  He even admitted it to me, and Laurence was listening in for the whole time!" Kiki laughed. 

"Awww, Garroth Sama has a cruuussshhhh!!" Kawaii Chan awed.  I laughed with Zoey and Luncinda, and Kiki. 

"That would be so adorable!" I said with a giggle. 

"Maybe Liv has feelings for him?" Zoey asked. 

"Maybe.  She's not really the one to talk, though." Lucinda responded. 

"Well, Kawaii Chan thinks Kiki Sama can do it." Kawaii Chan said. 

"Me?  Why me?" Kiki asked curiously. 

"Well, your open about everything and you give great advice!  I think it's a great idea!" I say with a smile. 

-{Liv's POV}-

"Hello?" I called as I looked around the island type thing with a giant tree.  It was like a dream, but it felt real! 

"O-Olivia?" Someone called.  They walked over and I gasped. 

"Jeffery.  Oh my Irene..." I ran up and hugged him.  "It's been forever since we've met up." I said with a smile. 

"Well, I have no idea what's going on and why we're here, but I'm glad to be here with you." He told me with a smile as he let go of the hug.  "I've also been watching over you and Aphmau.  Is she really your sister?" He asked. 

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