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-{Liv's POV}-

Everything is going wrong ever since I got to Phoenix Drop.  It happened everywhere I went, and I don't know how to stop it. 

I got those thoughts out of my head as we neared the Wyvern's cave, where they could fly us over to a nether portal near by.  These Wyverns were different from the smaller ones; these Wyverns I knew, and they were much larger than usual. 

I smiled as I saw that familiar Wyverns, Malisa.  "Malisa!" I called.  Malisa looked over at me with a surprised look. 

"Olivia?  Oh my Irene!" She freaked out.  Yes, I can speak Wyvern.  It's pretty cool.

"Malisa, I need your help." I said to her as we approached her. I then saw Luke, my best friend, a Wyvern best friend. "Luke, I need your help, too." I called to him. They both asked me what I needed. "We need to get to the closest Nether Portal." I said to them.

"Why? Is there something wrong?" Luke asked.

"Yes, Gene has kidnapped someone and we're going to get her back, somehow." I explained.

"Then hop on. Let's go." Malisa told us.

"Come on, Sakura, they're offering us a ride." I said to her as I hopped on Luke. She hopped on Malisa and we were off, and I was smiling at the sight. I looked behind me to see the village of Phoenix Drop. Aaron was on the wall, along with Laurence, and they were looking at us. I waved to them and they were surprised. I laughed.


We got to the Nether Portal and my smile turned to a frown. "We will be back soon. Please stay here, we need a ride back." I said to them. They nodded in response, and Sakura and I hopped into the portal.

I was getting nauseous as we got to the Nether. It was very warm, too hot for a sweater, but I wore it anyway. "Sakura, we're making a plan, first. I'll go in and take out the guards. You go Assassins Creed on this and go find out where Emmalyn is sneakily." I instructed her. She nodded and ran off to the big building type thing, I didn't know what to call it.

I followed a few seconds behind, but I took out Guards on the way. I knocked them out cold, making sure not to spill blood, yet. I entered the place and found it oddly creepy. Shivers ran down my spine, but it wasn't cold shivers, it was creeped out shivers.

I found my way to a stair case and I cautiously made my way to the second floor. There were guards there, sitting at a table, eating. I decided to not disturb them. I then found the third floor, where I found a mysterious ghost like thing floating around in the main room. Emmalyn was no where to be seen, but there was a little child in there.

I looked around first before running at the ghost type thing. Sakura showed up and started fighting the ghost. "RUN! I'LL TAKE CARE OF IT!" She yelled over the roars of the ghost. I ran to the cage and saw the child was crying.

"Hey, little girl. I'm going to help you out, okay?" I told her. She looked up at me with her purple eyes and nodded. I got the cage opened and I put her on my back. "Hold on." I told her. "SAKURA, LET'S GO!" I called to Sakura.

Sakura punched the ghost demon one more time before running after me. I ran down the stairs as quickly as I could, running out of the fortress. I saw the ghost behind us, so I gave Sakura the girl and told her to run. Surprisingly, she followed directions and ran to the nether portal.

I took my sword out and made sure they had time to escape. I gripped my sword and jumped up to the ghost demon, slashing his face. He roared in pain, and I was surprised it felt pain. I didn't give up this fight, though. I ran up to the legs and kicked them, but that didn't do anything, since he was flying. I jumped up behind him and threw my sword right in the spine, or where his spine would be.

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