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-{Liv's POV}-

I can't believe Zane would send someone from the Jury of Nine here to take me and talk to Aphmau about certain things, most likely about Jeffery... I thought as I looked outside my window in my room. 

It was a peaceful day, the sun out, very few clouds, the grass as green as it should be.   It was beautiful, and I wish it was just like this, nothing to disturb this beautiful day.  But, of course, there has to be problems.

I decided it was a good time to get up and finally leave my room.  I went to my chest, grabbing building materials before walking downstairs. 

It's been almost 40 minutes since Garroth left, and he still hasn't came back.  I know I shouldn't be worried for him, since he's a guard, but I am.  He reminds me of...  Someone.  No one knows of this 'someone', not even Aaron.  I never had the nerves to say anything about it. 

Anyway, I walked outside, digging out some of the grass.  I put some gravel for a type of road, designing the outside of the house a bit. I put down glow stone blocks to make it seem more... Cool, I guess. 

I needed to build something to keep my mind off of things, so I decided that I should build something underground, something that could help me if my wooden house burns from, well, Zane. 

I went inside my house, mining the cobble I put down for a floor, but I found a staircase, leading to an iron door.  Being the curious girl I am, I jumped down and went to the door, making a lever and switching it open. 

I walked in to see 4 pillars to hold this underground fortress up, one on each corner of the room.  I saw a chest right in the dead center of the room, but behind that was a thrown, a golden thrown. 

I walked over to the chest, curiously.  I opened it, finding a book.  It was signed by a Lord, but I couldn't read the cursive name.  It had to be the old lord, there was moss on the walls and dust on the book, and I'm sure not many people came down here. 

I held onto the book as I headed towards the thrown, since there was nothing else in the chest.  I looked to see 2 paintings on each side of the thrown.  I went to the right of the thrown, taking the painting down to see a stone wall.  I went to the left, taking the painting down, there was another iron door. 

I made another lever, placing it and flicking it to open the door.  Opening the door made a sound echo throughout the fortress. 

Being the stupid, curious person I am, as I already said, I walked through the door and into a corridor.  It was the perfect size corridor for me, it was surprising.  After like 2 minutes of walking through the corridor, I ended up in a room, which opened up, a lot. 

There was lava surrounding a chest in the center of the room.  "Why does every chest have to be in the dead center?" I mumble as I looked around for anything else.  I didn't see anything, except for mossy walls and 4 more pillars in each corner of the room.  I took out my water bucket and an empty bucket, collecting some lava before making the rest into obsidian. 

I mined the obsidian, since I can't waste obsidian, before opening the chest.  There were 4 stacks of diamond blocks surrounding necklace.  It was iron with a blue gemstone right in the center.  It didn't look harmful, so I took the 4 stacks of diamond and the necklace. 

Once I closed the chest, the fortress started to rumble.  I mumbled a swear word as I started to run to the corridor.  Blocks started to fall from the ceiling, big blocks, so I got to the corridor and kept running.  The whole place was rumbling, so I needed to make it out, alive.  I looked behind me to see that the room was now blocked off, so there's no going back there. 

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