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-{Zane's POV}-

I knew Sakura, one of the most honored guards, has not come back from her trip.  I know it is a long way away from here, but not that long.  Something either has gone wrong or she is trying to help others out, since we haven't seen Alexander, either. 

I've asked the guards at the gates if they've seen Sakura or Alexander come and go, they all say no.  I decided it was time for me to go out and find her, since she is a valuable part of the Jury of Nine. 

I geared up and got ready to leave with Joe and George. As we set off, I heard someone coming towards the gate of the walls, where I was waiting for Joe, who was saying goodbye to his Fiancé and saying he'll be back soon.

My sword was in my hand as I saw Alexander show up, wobbling all over the place as if he was drunk off of Rootbeer. I walked up to him and grabbed him by his collar, dragging him over to the wall, pinning him against it. "Where were you?" I asked angrily.

"I-I w-was d-d-drugged by s-someone." He stuttered as if he was trying to find words to say.

"Who?" I asked curiously.

"I d-don't r-r-r-remember." I set him free and pushed him towards one of the other guards.

"Take him to one of the cells. We'll take care of him later." I tell him before Joe finally showed up and we left to Phoenix Drop.

-{Liv's POV}-

Sakura told me that she was part of the Jury of Nine, which I was not really okay with. She also told me that she was one of the top people on the list, making me a little more mad, so I decided to head home and Garroth read the old Lord's book I found.

After he finished reading it aloud, I found out so much about this village. It use to be a small village before, then it crumbled to pieces once he died. It was so much information.

"Thanks Garroth.  I wish I could read it myself, but... Yeah..." I didn't really want to say why, but he understood. 

"It's no problem Liv.  It's what friends are for, right?" He asked, most likely smiling. 

"Yeah." Was all I could think of saying.  Then there was a silence, an awkward silence.  "So..." I interrupted the silence.  "What do you think of Sakura staying with us here in the village?" I knew it was a stupid question, since I told Sakura to put a sword up to my neck and act as if she caught me, acting as the bad guy. 

Garroth didn't think it was a great idea, at all.  "No way, I want to keep you, and this entire village, out of trouble.  She is trouble!" He called out as I heard him move around. 

"Garroth, calm down.  She's one of my best friends.  She knows I could hurt her if I wanted to.  She won't do anything stupid." I said as I giggled a bit. 

He sighed, standing from the bed we sat on.  "I can't trust her until she shows me she can be trusted." He said as I heard him walk towards the stairs.  "If you need me, I'll be outside, talking to Laurence.  I know you're downstairs, Laurence!" He called the last part as he went downstairs, leaving me in complete silence. 

I heard a few mumbles and the door opening and closing, making me sigh.  Sakura came in through the open window, making me jump a little.  "Jeez Sakura, loud much?" I asked in a giggle. 

"How did you know it was me?" She asked.  "And I was quiet!" She complained. 

"I know you're an assassin, it's pretty obvious.  And yeah, you were quite loud, for me to hear at least." I said with a pitiful laugh. 

"Wow, thanks." She said with sarcasm.  "Anyway, I came to see you, we need to talk."

"Well, I'm here, aren't I?" I said jokingly, lighting up the mood a bit. 

She laughed a bit.  "But seriously, down to business." She came over and sat down on my bed.  "Zane, I know he will come search for both me and Alexander.  It's been quite a few days since we've left, and I'm important to him, I know I am." Sakura told me. 

"I know, Sakura.  You told me before, now please don't remind me that you're part of 'you-know-who's' team." I said with a sigh, getting a little annoyed and angry. 

"Oh, sorry." She apologized.  "We should really be preparing for this.  It's important."

"Go ahead and tell Aphmau. I'll be in here." I sighed once more before I heard her stand up.

"You can come with me." She offered.

"No thanks, I'd rather stay here. I need some time to myself." I said before she jumped out of the window, leaving me to another silence, which I didn't mind.

I laid down on my bed, thoughts rushing through my head. When can I get my sight back? Why haven't I left yet? Why haven't I told Aphmau she's my sister? I sighed, knowing the answers to those type of questions will be answered some time soon, but not soon enough.

I wish I could just be done with my blindness and have my sight back so I can look out of a window, see the leaves on the trees blow in the wind, see the animals move around, see people's faces and know what they look like, not just how they sound when they walk or talk or run.

I sat up as I heard my door swing open, crashing to the wall next to it. I grabbed my sword that was next to my bed and walked towards the stairs, getting prepared to fight.

I heard someone run up the stairs, but it wasn't Garroth, Laurence, or Sakura. It sounded like someone I haven't heard in a few days; Zane. "Zane..." I mumbled as he got to the top stair. "Where is Garroth?" I asked angrily.

"Oh, he's fighting off one of the guards. So, you are here to keep Sakura from coming back? Too bad." He growled as he came running at me, sword in hand.

I heard the sword swing towards my face, so I blocked it, making sure it doesn't reach my face. He swung a few times before he pushed me to the ground. I held my sword in front of me as a defense, but as soon as I did, flames bursted out of my sword and I saw a bright white light.


Word Count: 1125

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