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-{Liv's POV}-

As someone dragged me somewhere, I tried to run with them. "Wh-Whoever this is, you're hurting my arm!" I said as I struggled to be freed.

The person slowed down and completely stopped. "Sorry." It was Laurence!

"Where are we?" I asked.

"We're at the cross paths between the beach and Aphmau's home." He told me. I tried imagining it, but I've only seen it once or twice.

I felt a tug at my pant leg and heard a little voice say, "Hey lady, who are you?"

"That's Liv, Levin. She can't see anything." Laurence said to the kid.

"Oh. Well, hi!" He said, most likely smiling.

I smiled. "Hi Levin. It's nice to meet you." I said before he giggled and ran off.

Then another voice was heard, it sounded a bit more mature, but still a little kid. "Hello Liv. I am Malachi, Levin's brother." He introduced politely.

"Kid has class." I whispered to Laurence, making him chuckle a bit. "Hi Malachi." I said with a smile. Then I heard 2 other sets of footsteps walk towards me.

"Liv Sama? You can't see anything?" Kawaii Chan asked.

"It's like the same thing that happened to me, Kawaii Chan." Laurence told her.

"I'm sure I can get my sight back in no time!" I said with a smile.

"Liv Sama, this is Brendan Chan." Kawaii Chan introduced.

Laurence whispered, "He has brown hair, brown eyes, a green tee on and regular jeans." in my ear.

"Wow Laurence, thanks for the description." I whisper back, laughing a bit afterwards. "Well, Brendan, it's nice to meet you!" I said with a smile.

"H-H-Hi." Was all he said before I heard footsteps run off.

"It sucks not seeing anything." I mumble to Laurence.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

-{Garroth's POV}-

I found Liv and Laurence talking to Kawaii Chan with Levin and Malachi listening in. Liv mumbles something to Laurence and he mumbled something back. 

"Hey Liv!  Come here!" I called.  She tried looking over, but she couldn't see.

"Garroth, you're going to have to come here." She called out.  I ran over and grabbed her arm.  I led her down the path and into the woods.  "Where are we going?" She asked as she felt her way through the trees. 

"Back to your place.  I'm getting every witch, magicks user, anyone, to get your sight back." I said with a smile. 

"G-Garroth, I'm o-okay with not seeing." She said to me, which I knew was a complete lie.

As we approached her home, I thought it was one of the best moments I could get. "So Liv, I know we've only known each other for a few days, but I-"

"Sh." She said, listening to something. I then heard it, too. Someone was spying on us. She took out her sword as I took out mine.

The next thing I know, Liv was tackling someone and someone is saying, "Olivia, it's Aaron!"

"Aaron? That's you?!" She said startled. She got off him before he got up himself.

"How could you not recognize me?" He asked, confused.

"She can't see." I butted in.

He was shocked, completely shocked. "Wh-What?" He stuttered. "Olivia, is this true?" He asked. She nodded with a frown on her face.

"Come on Aaron, we should get inside. It's late and I'm tired." Liv said as she grabbed my hand, motioning me to guide her inside.

Once we got inside, I got her into bed. "Garroth, once you're done telling Aaron the story, come back up here and get into the extra bed I made, I don't feel very secure without my vision." She said before I headed downstairs.

"O-Okay. I'll be back soon Liv." I said, but before I could head all the way downstairs, she said, "Call me Olivia."

I smiled as I headed all the way downstairs. Aaron was leaning against a wall, staring at the floor. "Aaron." I called as I sat down on the couch.

He looked up at me, a frown on his face. "What happened to her?" He asked like he was worried, yet jealous, yet scared.


"Wow..." was all he had to say.

I sighed as tears welled up in my eyes. "I-I know its hard on her, she seems like a warrior, a warrior who can't be defeated in one blow." I say to him, but mostly to myself.

"She's a warrior, a very brave, courageous, stupid warrior who protects all, even if it means killing herself." Aaron said as he sat down in a chair. "I've never felt so... Bad for a person." He mumbled.

"You are like her, very mysterious and doesn't like to be caught, aren't you?" I asked, looking up at him.

He nods. "I'm not the one to share personal information, but if Liv trusts you, then I can trust you." He tells me.

"Is her name really Liv?" I asked curiously, changing the subject.

He shook his head. "It's Olivia, but she doesn't like to share personal information, even when it comes to her name." He looked over at the stairs. "You know she does like you."

I looked at the wall, it had 1 picture, it was a picture of her dog, it had the name Lucy on it. "I didn't know she liked me..." I mumble.

"She does, I can see it. You like her, I see it in your eyes." He said, now looking at me.

"And you're her best friend, aren't you?" I asked.

He nodded. "I was the only one she trusted for 4 years, ever since she met me when she was 14 and I was 15. Her sister went missing in December, when she was 13, a month before her birthday." He explained to me. "That's when her parents let her have a dog named Lucy." He pointed at the picture. "She was a beagle, she loved Olivia with all her heart. When Olivia left, Lucy went with her. 2 year ago, she died from Zane. Ever since then, she's never been the same."

"She has a background, a big one, doesn't she?" I asked. He nodded. "Why weren't you with her at the gates the day she came?"

"Because on her 17th birthday, 2 years ago, I left to protect her. Zane's father was looking for her, she was going to marry his eldest son..." He said before looking at me. I looked back at him. "She was going to marry you..." He mumbled. "But before they had the chance to get her, Lucy came and saved her, attacking Zane and his guards. That gave her the time to run, but when she looked back when she was on top of a mountain, far enough for them to not see, but close enough to see the village, she saw her dog Lucy, lying on the gravel road. She wasn't breathing..." He explained.

"There has to be more than that. Who's her parents? Who's her sister?" I asked, overwhelmed with this information.

He put his hand up to calm me. "I can't explain it all. That's only a minor detail. You will have to ask her yourself." He said before standing up and walking towards the door. "Also, sorry for ruining your moment, but it wasn't the best moment." He paused. "Wait for the most perfect moment you could, then do it. But get to know her before hand. I'll be back around midnight tomorrow to say another minor detail." He said before he left.

I stood up and turned off the lights. I walked upstairs and saw Olivia was sleeping peacefully on her king sized bed. I didn't want to be too far from her, so I moved the other bed next to the bed she was sleeping on. I crawled into bed and saw her breathing peacefully. I smiled before I fell asleep...


Word Count: 1321

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